Jun 25, 2020


A young teenager visited an old lady of 90, once a week to give her a bit of company. A dog sat at the old ladies feet on each visit. 

It was called Blackie and the only distinction in his blackness was a pair of brown,  flop over ears. The dog always lay very still. If you didn't know better, you would have thought it was a footrest.

One day the old lady fell fast asleep. The young girl tried hard not to fidget. 
However, she just had to move and the minute she did, the dog launched himself at her ankles and bit. She shouted ‘You flea-bitten tripe hound.’

The old lady woke up, shrieking furiously  ‘Don’t you dare talk to my dog like that again. In fact, leave this instant and don’t bother coming back.’

The young girl made a hasty exit out the door, with the dog snarling ferociously behind her. That was one social call she had no difficulty crossing off her list.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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