Jun 28, 2020


Our neighbour Sue was going away for four days and had an old Jack Russell aged 15, called Squib. She needed to have life-saving medication once a day. So we were asked if we could do it, we agreed. Sue arrived with Squib and the pills and showed us how to do it.

The next day she came again to watch us doing it. First go out popped the pill at speed, next go the same outcome. I was becoming concerned as she is an old dog. The next time the pill vanished and the dog was swallowing and we all cheered at our success.

Until I looked down at my thumb to discover the disintegrated capsule firmly attached to my nail. We all fell about laughing and Sue put a new one in herself. 
Thereafter we had to admit defeat and the dog was taken to the Vet to have her pill and it was not always a successful trip first time even there.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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