Jun 27, 2020


I wobble to the left,
I wobble to the right,
All my life, 
I have been at sea, 
Day and night.

I want to stand still 
As is my right.
Without wobbling 
Uncontrollably about.

When the sea is really rough, 
I am out of control.
I have had enough, 
Enough, quite enough.

What will I do, 
Where can I go?
There is no land in sight,
Just now you know.

I’ll have to survive, 
Another few nights.
Before this torment is over 
And I can escape.

Somewhere, anywhere, 
I don’t care,
Just so my wobbling, 
Stops right there.

A new life for me,
With my feet on the grass,
With my nose in the air, 
Sniffing blossoms everywhere.

Trees instead of masts, 
To climb.
Oh boy, 
I am in for a fantastic time!

I am ready for change, 
A new life will be mine,
To do what I want to suit me.

Where it will be I’ll just have to see,
But stay out of trouble, 
On the ship meantime.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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