Jun 27, 2020


What was that noise?
I struggled out of bed trying to decide what had awakened me.

It sounded as if someone had jumped off the garden wall,
I crept to the window and peered and saw Jake the cat staring,
Hopefully into the fish pond in the dawn light.

He was the cat burglar.

Slowly he wandered around the pond, stopping very still,
Waiting, to trick the fish into coming up for a look.

The fish were much too wise for that.
After a while, he gave up and climbed the wall 
Onto the roof and away out of sight.

I wondered what he would be up to next.
The fish stayed out of sight for some time.
To make sure Jake had really left,
Before slowly floating to the surface to wait for breakfast.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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