Jun 25, 2020


What’s that? A rabbit in the back garden?

We have never seen one there before, it looks quite young.

The Rabbit stiffens and sits upright, fully alert, nose twitching, sensing me watching.

Where has the Rabbit come from? Where is its burrow?

Our garden has been home to litters of foxes for years.

He will be in danger. Oh, run Rabbit, please run!

Mr. Fox is due home at any moment!

He will not allow you to play in his garden,or to sit and enjoy the sun.

Run home to your Mum and Dad as quickly as you can!

Should read I gave a sigh.

The rabbit suddenly saw me and quickly shot off through a hole in the fence.

I waited a while to make sure he didn't return fortunately he stayed away.

No one would know he had ever been there, except for the two holes in the lawn!

Run Rabbit, please run, as this is not a safe place for you to come and have fun.

I wait a while to make sure he doesn’t return and fortunately, he stays away.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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