Jun 25, 2020


My husband and I were waiting for a meal to be served in the hall of a Spanish fortified farmhouse. 
As we were not sure of the etiquette, we were trying to warm ourselves at the blazing welcoming log fire. The weather had turned into an unexpectedly cold May, and we were freezing.

All of a sudden in came a large, grey and white English Sheepdog just like the Dulux adverts. He came rushing over, in welcome and being a dog lover, I went to return his greeting. 

Delight changed to horror as he was absolutely soaking wet. I took off around a convenient table with the dog in delighted pursuit, trying to escape being covered in mud and rainwater. 

My husband decided that a manly approach might be better. 
He stood still and called in his loudest fiercest voice ‘SIT’.

To my amazement, the dog sat at once, and then to my very wicked delight, 
stood up on his hind legs and put his forefeet on my husband's shoulders. 

Then it was every man for himself, round and round the table, till the dog gave up in disgust, and headed towards the kitchen door. To what he and I hoped would be a nice meal. It was not his fault we did not know Spanish!

I had to laugh. If my friends had seen me running away from a dog, they would not have believed it.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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