Jun 27, 2020


Oh my, there was a big battle here last night, as the local thugs set about knocking my new gentleman into shape, to keep their control of the area. 

Oh, boy were they in for a shock, he was no gentle pussy cat, he was a superhero. You could tell he knew how to fight back.

You should have heard the screeching, I tucked myself out the way to watch. 
I had to put my paw over my eyes at times, it was so scary.

When it all died down, I peered out and there was my gentleman looking a bit battered but triumphant. My heart did a little jump and I could not stop purring.

I crept towards him, keeping an anxious glance around to make sure the battle was over. I gently licked his poorly bits as he had a few. 

What a champion, I really liked him. I said ‘I think you had better go home and have your wounds treated properly.’ 

With a tired nod he turned and slipped into his home. 
I made my way back home too.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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