Jun 22, 2020


Early one morning, a grey squirrel found something tasty to eat on the lawn.

A black crow flew down to a meal; He too had his beady eyes on.

As the squirrel ate, the crow made a quick grab with his beak for the squirrel’s tail.

The squirrel turned quickly shrieked, frightening the crow.

The crow, hopped off, to wait and try again.

He was determined not to fail.

The squirrel’s tail, curled upright into a nice shape to help keep his balance, while gripping and nibbling his tasty snack.

However, every time the squirrel bent his head to eat the food on the lawn, his tail lay out flat behind him flat upon the lawn.

It was then the crow made sneaky attacks to grab the squirrel’s tail and failed every time he made a pass.

Round and round both would turn, neither willing to give in, for twenty minutes to and fro the battle lasted.

Then the crow stalked off, as he knew the squirrel’s speed on the ground, he just could not master.

Once the crow was out of the way, the squirrel finished his meal and ran swiftly for safety up the nearest bushy tree.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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