Jun 24, 2020



On slipping into the swimming pool for a swim one afternoon. 

I noticed a brown leafy twig floating on the surface.   

So I went to pick it up and throw it out onto the garden when it wriggled. 

It gave me a fright as I was not expecting it.

Something swam away with its head up, it was a small brown lizard two of its legs did not seem to be working. 

I gently caught it and moved over to a spot on the side of the pool near the garden. 

I opened my hand to release him and placed him on the ground.

He lay there for ages, perhaps his legs were tired from holding onto the leafy twig. 

I kept looking over as I swam to see if he was alright. 

Then all of a sudden without me seeing him go, he was gone.

I do hope he was unhurt and found his way to safety. 

I shall remember that soft wriggle in my hand for quite a while.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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