Jun 28, 2020


While on holiday in Spain, my husband promised me a meringue and coffee in our favourite café. I sat near the window staring out at the brightly lit marble promenade. The golden sand was just visible, shown up by the froth of the sea and the inky black backdrop of night. There were very few walkers as it was bitterly cold, it had snowed briefly that day for the first time in living memory.

My attention was drawn to an old man who was all hunched up against the wind. He had a flat cap on his head, scarf firmly anchored into his waistcoat, with one hand tucked into his pocket for warmth. He was walking very slowly, followed by an old dog, head drooping, going equally slowly about eight paces behind him.

I thought, poor old things! I turned round to see what my husband was doing, and on looking back again, I took a fit of laughing. The old man was rushing past, going in the opposite direction with the dog ahead of him now. The lead was at full stretch and the dog was dragging the old man home as fast as he could go, to get them both back in the warm. Who said dogs don’t have good sense? This little scene has returned to make me smile whenever I remember it.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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