Jun 26, 2020


While dining in at the hotel in Sydney we were amazed to see large bats flying through the twilight and alighting on the trees next to us. 

They were certainly not of the small variety. 

It was amusing to see them hanging upside down and moving around sideways.

In-flight, they reminded me of the Dracula movies I had half seen in my youth. 
(During most of the film I had my fingers in my ears and my eyes tight shut.)

They were a fascinating sight flitting around in the twilight and made unusual entertainment.

The meal was ordered and took quite a while to arrive, but as I had had the same dish a few nights before and it was delicious I had no qualms about ordering it again.

During the intervening time, I took an interest in what was happening at a table nearby, where a party of Chinese or Japanese were waiting for their meal. 

What irritated me was, it all arrived one or two plates at a time, over a period of 20 minutes.

So the early servings would have been stone cold. 

The manager spent all this time talking to another couple at another table.

I was becoming quite irritated just by being an observer. 

Eventually, they started eating independently which was a shame, as they had come out as a group.

I thought oh well, surely the waiting staff will get their act together and be able to serve them all at once. 

Oh no, the same carry on continued.

At another table, a couple were talking and every other word he used was a swear word.

My husband asked me "Is he swearing?"

I replied "Yes continuously!"

"That’s amazing as the woman is nodding her head to everything he says. Why is she putting up with it?"

My answer was, "Perhaps she thinks that it is  normal polite conversation"

So you see it was quite a batty night!

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 
Photo: Pixabay License 

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