Jan 31, 2024



The village settled in swathes of huddled green, with generations of nurturing and encouraging, giving strength to those that protect it’s beating heart. Anxious times are stretching the need for a close connection. Driving neighbours to stay indoors.

Into the history books, we must dip to see, what they might tell of what they did long ago. The message is a clear isolate, use natural herbs, sup gruel, mask up, and cleanse oh so well. If you want no sad chiming of the village church bells. Survive many will do, to keep this village alive and flourishing into a future new.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

Jan 30, 2024



Dusk fell and clouds flew gathering strength, when racing chasing over a now sightless black sky. Stars eclipsed, and we retired to bed to ride a wild night in our beds secure. Hot tea supped as winds in gusts rattled the roof tiles. Lights out and deeper into our cosy blankets we withdrew.

Outside, just through the wall, the trees are savagely thrust, every which way to and fro. In a sustained prolonged vicious blast, a crack, a thud, a branch tumbled to the valley floor. Not taking the blackbird's nest, I sincerely trust and all the other living things, I hope have found a place of safe retreat.

Again a saturation, battering on windows trying to find a way in. Furious whining hits the ears through the smallest of cracks and around the sharpest corners. The wind tries brute force rattling tiles, to say I will find a way in. The bedclothes I grasp in a firmer grip, keeping fear at bay staying tightly lipped.

How long is this storm going to dance like a demented tango dancer? My heart sank when I heard it say, it’s here for a few more days. I hope the work of the builders long ago, will hold for that length of time. I bury my head to wait in the hope of the calming light of day.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

Jan 29, 2024



Coal stays hidden in a hole in the ground.

Show not your face you are in disgrace.

Fumes you expel make us unwell.

When burnt for warmth the discomfort you leave behind.

We are looking for cleaner support and a much healthier time.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

Jan 28, 2024



I looked and waited in the warm, out at the falling rain. Hoping it would stop pouring so I could go home again. I did not want icy fingers to caress my face, or wetly with the wind, tangle my clothes tightly around my legs in vicious embrace.

Reducing an elegant stride to a snail’s pace. As through unseen puddles, I might have to splash my way. An umbrella’s unfolding though attempted would not last long, as the gale blew and blew so very strong.

This pub is about to close no longer could I dawdle, tightly gathering my belongings I rushed out into the storm, to my home which was just next door.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Image © Kannan Spartan

Jan 26, 2024



Hello everyone. How do you feel at the moment, as our lives are being tested in many ways in different parts of the world?

It is time to strengthen family and neighbourhood ties so that together we can meet what is in front of us.

The weather has been playing an active, aggressive part: damaging our homes, water supplies and agricultural production. Wars are destroying more of our infrastructure, causing anxiety and desperation, and requiring help from total strangers as well as family.

I have just watched a lovely good news story on the BBC this evening, about a community coming together, more than 100 of them, to help an elderly disabled lady whose home had disintegrated during Covid and had been taken over by health-wrecking, all-encompassing mould.

She withdrew in shame from her community and was discovered by a friend. Thankfully, this friend galvanised their community to help and they did, magnificently. 

I wonder if more of us could get together to help someone in our own communities to a better life. It would give us something very worthwhile to do, as well as strengthen the links of friendship in the community.

Take care and be kind to one another when you can.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 24, 2024



I sit and gaze at the sky, with fluffy images floating by, ever-changing rearranging so relaxing to the eye. At times static pure white pillows bathed in brilliant sunlight, hang resting on an azure bed. Recovering from the drama they have fled.

The breeze changes tempo gloomy clouds collide till lightning strikes, thunder roars with the need to vent, rain falls to soak the land. I sit and gaze amazed at this theatre in the sky. Allowing me moments of relaxation and inner calm.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 23, 2024



Sitting surveying the scene in silence, with a view stretching from horizon to horizon. Not a human or a dwelling to be seen. Expectantly waiting for the drama to start.

The air is electrically charged with gathering threats. A flash, a clap as thunder roars across the mountain tops. In awe you crouch in insignificance, a mere human caught in this display. The flush of fear as the battle creeps nearer, nearer.

Another flash and thunderous roar as rain begin to pour. Trying to seek a way to wet every dry item you might have been wearing. The view was now lost, obliterated, with rain and mist, with you not knowing how long this battle would persist.

Patience and courage are tested as you wait, feeling in your pocket, for that small bar of chocolate, into which you so sensibly did slip. Two hours crept by, till the rain dwindled and passed leaving a scent like no other.

Refreshing, energising, encouraging new birth and hope, as you arise shake off the residual rain and stand to watch. The mist left the mountain tops, with the sun slipping illuminating it’s way to the valley floors.

Time for me to leave and carefully pick my way home, tucking away the memories of an afternoon caught alone in a storm. One last look as silence is restored.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 22, 2024



When nature changes the surroundings overnight. 

Dressing us in glimmering garments, oh so white.

Changing and dazzling everything within our sight, to some, it brings loud squeals of delight.

The spirits of others can’t help but dip down low, as out into the cold and slippery paths they have to go.

Shepherds out searching fields and hedges for their sheep, wishing they were in bed, warm and comfortably fast asleep.

Policemen and firemen patrolling as they have to do, looking forward to a hot comforting brew,

While the people they seek are sensibly tucked up in bed. They are not daft.

Indoors, excitement grows as children and animals gather, waiting to escape outdoors.

Out they pop, running and dropping into the snow with a plop. Laughter and barking mix as snowballs start to fly non-stop.

Adults gazing out at the happy scene, warming to the memories flooding back of years long ago when it was they who were rolling in the snow, making a snowman to leave proudly standing frozen on show.

No matter when trains are late, buses fail to show when trapped, unable to go.

Schools close, offices and shops too, as hospitals struggle to cope with more than a few extra people needing a precious bed.

At home, meals are made to keep all warm and fed. Games are played indoors and out, before the weary climb to bed.

And nature changes the scene by softly dropping more pristine, cold, white snow.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 20, 2024



A bolt a strike,

Bright light.

Spark flew,

A cross the sky,

Hail fell loudly.

Rain drenched ground,

In the heat, all vanished.

Now drought.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 17, 2024



Evidence of early risers lay in the crush of the freshly dropped snow.

As tyre tracks made their way downhill and around the corner.

The milkman, paper man, or baker were first to sully that pristine scene,

Making their way downwards with trepidation.

Followed by a traveller or two anxious to leave before more snow fell from the greying skies to trap them for days more than was their original intention.

Down the hill, with snow still falling they vanished.

The question now was would they return, with the thick snow gathering in the valley below?

On the hill the village sat waiting, they had seen it all before, hoping for some entertainment, to break the isolation of their day.

Who would appear around the corner, car or man labouring their way back to make a telephone call to say they were safe, preparing to stay a day and night in the village pub or hall?

With villagers gifting a huge pot of hot thick soup, bread and sausage rolls.

A gathering collected sharing tea and glasses of warming liquid gold, as stories were told with bouts of laughter and merriment thrown in.

A guitar appeared and was brought into play by a stranger and oh boy could he play.

The day passed and everyone headed to early bed down for the night.

Chatter quietly faded, as an occasional snore rolled free, and unseen in the night the snow stopped and thawed.

There would soon be reluctant early risers now friends to farewell on their way.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 14, 2024



In the darkness of the night, 

Snow gently and silently falling.

Creating a hush, 

Visible only by it’s appearance 

In the glow of the street lights.

Changing the scenery a romantic sight.

To the young, 

The anticipation of the most boisterous fun.

Yet for others caught in murderous scenes, 

It conceals the horror.

Dropping thickly to be collected 

To quench the unrelenting thirst.

Whichever way you view it, 

Snow is a blessing at times to us.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 13, 2024



Once a home so bright.

Parties into the night.

Swimming in the lake.

Fish caught and taken home to bake.

Boating in the moonlight.

Romance bobbing in the dark.

What changed the scene?

Shutters closed but not secure.

Allowing vandals in.

Damaging what was pristine.

Destroying memories, once bright,

Of those who lived and loved here before.

Now, just a derelict, mystery house.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 10, 2024



One morning, I woke up depressed. 

My confidence had gone.

Why had it left me? What had I done wrong?

What had brought back memories long laid to rest?

I struggled, trying to adjust my thoughts, 

Reluctant to leave my bed.

Searching for reasons and ways to lead me back,

To where I really wanted to be.

This is not me!

Suddenly, a little cry came from the floor; 

The bed bounced.

A little face stared intently into mine, mewing, 

“It’s breakfast time.”

A chuckle grew and grew 

And the mood flew out the window.

I hugged my pet in gratitude. 

I was back as good as new.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 9, 2024



With travel comes an understanding of how we all live. 

The basic needs are the same, how we achieve them can be very different. 

Friendship made on the journeys can be a mixed bag, but on the whole are a delight, and can be lifelong. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 8, 2024





Age makes its painful demands.

Fear moves in, tantalising the mind.

Changing thoughts to and fro, 

As you puzzle which way to go.

You search for paths known, 

And seek familiar friends.

To escort you safely home again.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 7, 2024



I am a miserable judge of my own writing. Some pieces, long or short, which I personally enjoy writing, or feel might be impactful for others, fail! While others, written on a whim and at speed, receive appreciation, be the subject of sorrow, masked anger, despair, love, comedy, fantasy or everyday amusing thoughts.

I have come to the personal conclusion that the binding thread that makes the impact is where or what my readers and I are struggling with at the emotional moment when reading or writing.

The joy for me is when someone writes, saying, “Thank you. You helped me out of a dark place.” Or words to that effect. They give the judgement of value and propel me into writing again and again.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Jan 5, 2024



When will the sunshine come again, turning the sky blue?

When will the earth stop its writhing and start to calm?

When will the river’s tranquil return unveil beautiful picnic sites?

When will the moon be full again, revealing romantic nights?

Oh, when? How we yearn for the return of normality.

When will humanity stop its insanity, slashing trees for cash?

When will the land return to its productive green,

When trees, laden with fruit, attract life to the scene?

When rivers are restored, fish and animals start to play.

Oh, when? How we yearn for the return of normality.

When friendships are made with no fear.

When homes are there for as long as we plan.

When travel is easy, to expand understanding of other lands.

When cultural mixing knits a pattern we all understand.

Oh, when and how can we encourage the return to normality now?

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 4, 2024



Let me sing, let me breathe,

Let me offload the pain of the day.

Let me wrap a blanket around me, 

Chasing grief away.

Let me speak in pride, as when you were at my side.

Let me tell the world of the wrench of your suicide.

Let me sing, let me breathe,

Let music seep through every part of me.

Let the companionship of singing sweep us along.

Let us share the great pride 

We had with you here at our side.

Let us hold onto with pride the time we had, 

Not the time you sadly let go.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 3, 2024



After Christmas, there were quite a lot of electric cables to be sorted out. Along with our own iPhones, iPads and laptops, there were four other guest cables and extensions that needed to be put away safely. So I set about sorting them out from around the house and temporarily placing them in my desk cupboard.

My young man inquired if there was any chance of a coffee and a chat. So I made us some and took it through to the lounge, where we had a small organisational chat as we sipped.

A bit later, I returned to my office and realised Lily was not visible. Had I let her out and forgotten her? Oh dear! I made a hasty back door inspection and a summoning call or two. No Lily! “Now, where are you, Lily?”

I wandered about, searching in all her hiding spots: no Lily. I began to hear an odd thumping noise now and then and thought it was coming from outside. However, when I neared my desk, it was heard again. I looked behind and under the desk:  nothing. I walked on: no more noise. By now, I was becoming anxious, calling more and more loudly, wandering up and down stairs, eventually wrapping up and looking around the garden.

As I passed my office, a loud banging was again heard from the desk. It was then I remembered opening the cupboard to place the wiring in it. I tugged at the door and out walked Lily, giving me a look which I am sure meant, “I tried to tell you I was in there. I hope you’re not going to be another needing hearing aids.” I reassured her I would certainly hear her in future if she hid in the desk cupboard. At the same time, I warned her not to go in open cupboards as it could turn out to be dangerous for her. 

She raised her tail, sedately wandered into the kitchen and sat in front of her food bowl. She gave me such a look, that I can only imagine she was saying, “I deserve a treat after that scare, don’t I?”

I laughed in acknowledgement.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



It is hard to believe I have dared to write on this page because, for half of my life, I lived in terror of the written word. With the use of technology, that has all changed. 

Unbelievably, I now love writing; I really do. Hardly a day goes by without my pen being on the move. 

It takes me into all kinds of situations and emotions, triggered by a conversation, a picture, music, the news, and animal and bird interactions. Not to mention the weather, a trigger and beginning for conversations with strangers.

Now it is a strange day if I have no time to write. I love writing and my hope is it will encourage others to write, too.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 2, 2024



The throng awaited, wrapped up in warm clothing, nudging together, backpacks full, bumping for space; standing by, watching for Big Ben to strike in the first minute of the New Year, heralding the first explosion of a magnificent firework display of some length, in celebration of the hope for a better year.

My young man and I sat, glasses in hand, watching and listening to the youthful exuberance and excitement spread before us on TV. Lily the cat withdrew to a bedroom, to curl up and try to avoid the nearby fireworks being released by local families. Thankfully, their display did not last too long; Lily's snores attested to that.

We shared these few minutes with Anna and her mother, in Lisbon Portugal, showing us Madeira and the cruise ships letting off fireworks, a traditional event. Next, we joined my family on the coast in Sussex and drank a toast with them, sharing the London fireworks and dancing from our armchairs, miles apart. The magic of the internet!

Finally, we called out our final wishes of love, switched off the TV and made our way to bed.

Arising first in the morning, I looked out the upstairs window to see a damp, grey day: no brilliant birth of a new year. Someone has to have a grey day was my thought as I went about the familiar mechanism of preparing breakfast for Lily and me; she was letting me know her hungry needs. My young man was still asleep upstairs, catching up after the late-night escapades. 

I quietly made my way, breakfast in hand, to sit and watch Breakfast Television. I flicked on the switch to be immediately in Japan with the announcement and views of a big earthquake, splitting homes in front of me. A tsunami warning was in place, urging the inhabitants to head for high ground and not to wait for anything or anyone. I watched in horror; poor people. 

The next item was another scene of an active devastation, and a promise by a leader to continue a war for another year with no let-up. Yet another country in unasked for hostilities was forced to retaliate against the destruction of the means to keep their population warm, fed and safe, with no sign of peace in sight. This was in the first few hours of the birth and celebration of the hoped-for better New Year.

My heart sank at the hopelessness of it all. I reached for the TV controller and just pressed anything for a moment's respite. I was now in Vienna in the company of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, playing uplifting, beautiful Strauss music. It flowed through me and soothed me, showing a well-dressed colourful, smiling, clapping audience and flowers bedecking the walls.

My spirits rose, as did my confirmation of the enormous value of music, lyrics and singing, to raise the spirits in the most damaging circumstances. Examples abound in the First World War and the Second World War, where both troops and civilian populations were buoyed up by choral and popular music, plus singing and letters. Each and every war, no matter how small, has since taken comfort from them.

Revived, I rang a friend and asked if he knew a good news story I could use. He said, “Yes, I do!” I asked if he could share it with me. He then related this story:

A young boy, William, was killed by a hit-and-run driver in early December. His parents were devastated and they tried to make arrangements for his funeral. They wanted him to be buried in the grounds of a derelict church and a closed cemetery which he loved and where he escaped to spend most of his play time.

(I wondered where this ‘good news’ story was taking me.)

However, there were strict church rules which denied the grieving parents their wish for him to be buried there. They were greatly upset and worked hard to find a solution. A king, the new King Charles III, heard about their grief and, with his power as head of the Church of England, had the authority to change the rules, especially for them, and he did.

Sometimes, even in death, there is good news.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 1, 2024



I wish I could summon up a spell.

Powerful enough to make everyone well.

Even if it’s only for twenty-four hours.

A real, worldwide, pain-free day.

To see bodies all twisted and sad,

Straighten up, and smile in amazement.

They would be so glad.

It might strengthen them to cope day by day.

The best I can do is inform with my pen.

Make sure the important information is in plain sight.

Signposting the right people to assist when they can.

Raising funds to crack the misery assailing everyone.

Perhaps then, one by one, my wish might come true.

When that terrible, isolating thing called pain

Would be pushed back into the past

And never again pop into view.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License