Jan 17, 2024



Evidence of early risers lay in the crush of the freshly dropped snow.

As tyre tracks made their way downhill and around the corner.

The milkman, paper man, or baker were first to sully that pristine scene,

Making their way downwards with trepidation.

Followed by a traveller or two anxious to leave before more snow fell from the greying skies to trap them for days more than was their original intention.

Down the hill, with snow still falling they vanished.

The question now was would they return, with the thick snow gathering in the valley below?

On the hill the village sat waiting, they had seen it all before, hoping for some entertainment, to break the isolation of their day.

Who would appear around the corner, car or man labouring their way back to make a telephone call to say they were safe, preparing to stay a day and night in the village pub or hall?

With villagers gifting a huge pot of hot thick soup, bread and sausage rolls.

A gathering collected sharing tea and glasses of warming liquid gold, as stories were told with bouts of laughter and merriment thrown in.

A guitar appeared and was brought into play by a stranger and oh boy could he play.

The day passed and everyone headed to early bed down for the night.

Chatter quietly faded, as an occasional snore rolled free, and unseen in the night the snow stopped and thawed.

There would soon be reluctant early risers now friends to farewell on their way.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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