Jan 5, 2024



When will the sunshine come again, turning the sky blue?

When will the earth stop its writhing and start to calm?

When will the river’s tranquil return unveil beautiful picnic sites?

When will the moon be full again, revealing romantic nights?

Oh, when? How we yearn for the return of normality.

When will humanity stop its insanity, slashing trees for cash?

When will the land return to its productive green,

When trees, laden with fruit, attract life to the scene?

When rivers are restored, fish and animals start to play.

Oh, when? How we yearn for the return of normality.

When friendships are made with no fear.

When homes are there for as long as we plan.

When travel is easy, to expand understanding of other lands.

When cultural mixing knits a pattern we all understand.

Oh, when and how can we encourage the return to normality now?

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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