Jan 26, 2024



Hello everyone. How do you feel at the moment, as our lives are being tested in many ways in different parts of the world?

It is time to strengthen family and neighbourhood ties so that together we can meet what is in front of us.

The weather has been playing an active, aggressive part: damaging our homes, water supplies and agricultural production. Wars are destroying more of our infrastructure, causing anxiety and desperation, and requiring help from total strangers as well as family.

I have just watched a lovely good news story on the BBC this evening, about a community coming together, more than 100 of them, to help an elderly disabled lady whose home had disintegrated during Covid and had been taken over by health-wrecking, all-encompassing mould.

She withdrew in shame from her community and was discovered by a friend. Thankfully, this friend galvanised their community to help and they did, magnificently. 

I wonder if more of us could get together to help someone in our own communities to a better life. It would give us something very worthwhile to do, as well as strengthen the links of friendship in the community.

Take care and be kind to one another when you can.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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