Jan 23, 2024



Sitting surveying the scene in silence, with a view stretching from horizon to horizon. Not a human or a dwelling to be seen. Expectantly waiting for the drama to start.

The air is electrically charged with gathering threats. A flash, a clap as thunder roars across the mountain tops. In awe you crouch in insignificance, a mere human caught in this display. The flush of fear as the battle creeps nearer, nearer.

Another flash and thunderous roar as rain begin to pour. Trying to seek a way to wet every dry item you might have been wearing. The view was now lost, obliterated, with rain and mist, with you not knowing how long this battle would persist.

Patience and courage are tested as you wait, feeling in your pocket, for that small bar of chocolate, into which you so sensibly did slip. Two hours crept by, till the rain dwindled and passed leaving a scent like no other.

Refreshing, energising, encouraging new birth and hope, as you arise shake off the residual rain and stand to watch. The mist left the mountain tops, with the sun slipping illuminating it’s way to the valley floors.

Time for me to leave and carefully pick my way home, tucking away the memories of an afternoon caught alone in a storm. One last look as silence is restored.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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