Jan 22, 2024



When nature changes the surroundings overnight. 

Dressing us in glimmering garments, oh so white.

Changing and dazzling everything within our sight, to some, it brings loud squeals of delight.

The spirits of others can’t help but dip down low, as out into the cold and slippery paths they have to go.

Shepherds out searching fields and hedges for their sheep, wishing they were in bed, warm and comfortably fast asleep.

Policemen and firemen patrolling as they have to do, looking forward to a hot comforting brew,

While the people they seek are sensibly tucked up in bed. They are not daft.

Indoors, excitement grows as children and animals gather, waiting to escape outdoors.

Out they pop, running and dropping into the snow with a plop. Laughter and barking mix as snowballs start to fly non-stop.

Adults gazing out at the happy scene, warming to the memories flooding back of years long ago when it was they who were rolling in the snow, making a snowman to leave proudly standing frozen on show.

No matter when trains are late, buses fail to show when trapped, unable to go.

Schools close, offices and shops too, as hospitals struggle to cope with more than a few extra people needing a precious bed.

At home, meals are made to keep all warm and fed. Games are played indoors and out, before the weary climb to bed.

And nature changes the scene by softly dropping more pristine, cold, white snow.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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