Jan 30, 2024



Dusk fell and clouds flew gathering strength, when racing chasing over a now sightless black sky. Stars eclipsed, and we retired to bed to ride a wild night in our beds secure. Hot tea supped as winds in gusts rattled the roof tiles. Lights out and deeper into our cosy blankets we withdrew.

Outside, just through the wall, the trees are savagely thrust, every which way to and fro. In a sustained prolonged vicious blast, a crack, a thud, a branch tumbled to the valley floor. Not taking the blackbird's nest, I sincerely trust and all the other living things, I hope have found a place of safe retreat.

Again a saturation, battering on windows trying to find a way in. Furious whining hits the ears through the smallest of cracks and around the sharpest corners. The wind tries brute force rattling tiles, to say I will find a way in. The bedclothes I grasp in a firmer grip, keeping fear at bay staying tightly lipped.

How long is this storm going to dance like a demented tango dancer? My heart sank when I heard it say, it’s here for a few more days. I hope the work of the builders long ago, will hold for that length of time. I bury my head to wait in the hope of the calming light of day.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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