Jan 10, 2024



One morning, I woke up depressed. 

My confidence had gone.

Why had it left me? What had I done wrong?

What had brought back memories long laid to rest?

I struggled, trying to adjust my thoughts, 

Reluctant to leave my bed.

Searching for reasons and ways to lead me back,

To where I really wanted to be.

This is not me!

Suddenly, a little cry came from the floor; 

The bed bounced.

A little face stared intently into mine, mewing, 

“It’s breakfast time.”

A chuckle grew and grew 

And the mood flew out the window.

I hugged my pet in gratitude. 

I was back as good as new.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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