Jan 3, 2024



After Christmas, there were quite a lot of electric cables to be sorted out. Along with our own iPhones, iPads and laptops, there were four other guest cables and extensions that needed to be put away safely. So I set about sorting them out from around the house and temporarily placing them in my desk cupboard.

My young man inquired if there was any chance of a coffee and a chat. So I made us some and took it through to the lounge, where we had a small organisational chat as we sipped.

A bit later, I returned to my office and realised Lily was not visible. Had I let her out and forgotten her? Oh dear! I made a hasty back door inspection and a summoning call or two. No Lily! “Now, where are you, Lily?”

I wandered about, searching in all her hiding spots: no Lily. I began to hear an odd thumping noise now and then and thought it was coming from outside. However, when I neared my desk, it was heard again. I looked behind and under the desk:  nothing. I walked on: no more noise. By now, I was becoming anxious, calling more and more loudly, wandering up and down stairs, eventually wrapping up and looking around the garden.

As I passed my office, a loud banging was again heard from the desk. It was then I remembered opening the cupboard to place the wiring in it. I tugged at the door and out walked Lily, giving me a look which I am sure meant, “I tried to tell you I was in there. I hope you’re not going to be another needing hearing aids.” I reassured her I would certainly hear her in future if she hid in the desk cupboard. At the same time, I warned her not to go in open cupboards as it could turn out to be dangerous for her. 

She raised her tail, sedately wandered into the kitchen and sat in front of her food bowl. She gave me such a look, that I can only imagine she was saying, “I deserve a treat after that scare, don’t I?”

I laughed in acknowledgement.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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