Jan 1, 2024



I wish I could summon up a spell.

Powerful enough to make everyone well.

Even if it’s only for twenty-four hours.

A real, worldwide, pain-free day.

To see bodies all twisted and sad,

Straighten up, and smile in amazement.

They would be so glad.

It might strengthen them to cope day by day.

The best I can do is inform with my pen.

Make sure the important information is in plain sight.

Signposting the right people to assist when they can.

Raising funds to crack the misery assailing everyone.

Perhaps then, one by one, my wish might come true.

When that terrible, isolating thing called pain

Would be pushed back into the past

And never again pop into view.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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