May 31, 2024


Penny Wobbly welcomes you into her world of writing and creativity through this eBook, Stories and Poems for Relaxation and Travel.

This collection of 27 stories encourages you to explore themes of travel, nature, love, and life. 

It is a book for everyone. Take a break and let your thoughts wander.

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Stories and Poems for Relaxation and Travel

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen




Give me a giggle, give me a laugh!

Make my sides heave with a breathless gasp. 

Let’s chase all the gloom away.

Give me a funny face or a clean comical joke. 

To make me laugh and splutter when drinking my coke.

Do dance with lots of quick wriggly stuff. 

Making everyone laugh as they try to copy us.

Changing partners and dancing with the jokes and laughs gently flowing.

Till the last dance with you, when filing our way out calling cheery greetings as we make our home.

Let’s keep the laughter going till our front door, where we will tap tap the knocker.

Laugh and laugh and giggle our way through the open door.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



I stood in silence, stealthily scanning the ocean shallows, prepared for the vicious snap. 

To capture a dinner to swallow and regurgitate right back. 

The ground shook and the fish dived, in disappointment, I stood. 

I had forgotten the train timetable and lost my long-awaited food.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 30, 2024



In the Circus, in South Africa, wash days are sometimes very exciting and at the same time very anxious times.

You can never be quite sure what might happen, as often there is only one water tap, for all the animals and the humans too.

The water runs into a long open tank. Can you just imagine that?

The humans have a timetable, which tells them when they can use the tap and tank.

However, wild animals can smell water from a long way off and do not know anything about working to timetables.

They just appear when they are thirsty or fancy having a bath.

It takes a long time for elephants to have a drink?

They don’t just have one or two cups or glasses of water like us.

They have gallons and gallons of water at a time.

During this, a lot of sucking, splashing, spraying and dribbling goes on.

The humans have hardly any warnings about these untimed visits.

They are sometimes unable to move their washing or dishes out of the way to safety, quickly enough.

No amount of shouting or waving stops the thirsty animals.

So cups, plates and spoons are often trampled underfoot, in the mud!

Skirts are occasionally worn on the elephant’s head, like big colourful fancy hats.

Trousers too are flapped around by the elephant’s trunks, to use as towels to dry their backs or chase clouds of very irritating flies away.

Once the drinking is over mud begins to fly, and the area around the tank and tap becomes muddy.

Elephants are very sensible and use mud-like suntan lotion to protect their skin from the very hot African sun.

The mud is sucked up their trunks and blown over their backs in a dark, muddy, brown spray and sometimes they roll in it, legs waving in the air.

Elephants, when they leave the water tap, have no respect for washing lines.

Often in triumph, they carry them off, as they go on their way, trailing all manner of clothes in the mud and dust behind them.

Leaving very angry humans, to collect their scattered clothing and start another big washing day.

What a wash day!

Glad we don’t have any of those, as it could be very irritating and expensive, but oh what fun!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 29, 2024



From the time we met and became forever entwined.

The shared glances, with no words, spoke volumes.

Moments of separation, are necessary sometimes.

The reunions with much to say, and even more to give.

Love tested, shared, and given so generously.

I give my love and devotion to you and only to you.

As it is hard to find words to express my true feelings.

You are everything to me: I hope these words and my arms, as I gather you up for a hug, say it all.

I wish you, my darling, a wonderful birthday!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Swapnil Deshpandey on Unsplash

May 24, 2024



‘Hello, little mouse!’

‘You’re a cat!’ said the mouse.

‘I know I am a cat, I just want to play with you.’

‘No way! After all who’d want to play with a killer? I am off before this game of Cat and Mouse begins.’ squeaked the mouse.

‘Oh! I am not that kind of a cat I’m a lonely very friendly cat. Come on give me a chance.’ she pleaded.

‘Bye, the way do you like stories?’

‘What’s a story?’ asked the curious mouse.

‘Well, you could tell me all your exciting mouse adventures. Then I could tell you my cat adventures, that’s storytelling.’

‘What? No running about and chasing?’ asked the now inquisitive mouse.

‘Oh no!’ replied the cat. ‘Just sitting still and listening.’

‘That sounds all right, but I shall stay just inside my mouse hole listening.’

‘Great!’ replied the cat ‘After all, it would be a bit strange to sit side by side just yet.

‘You start your story first little mouse.’ invited the cat.

What do you think happened next, did they become good friends or did the cat live up to its reputation as a killer?

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Quote by © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

May 23, 2024



Quote by © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



If I had an active wishing wand, I would wave it enthusiastically, to remove isolation and loneliness, giving a boost to hope.

In the real world, if we all tried a little, we might be able to help some in our communities and see smiles and friendship spread.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



With gloves wrapped around his hands, he bravely made his way, fighting on through the ranks of others, learning his trade and its requirements with one aim in mind.

War did not distract him; he volunteered to fight for his land. The soldiers sent him back to the ring, saying his job was there. His achievements gave them courage and pride to keep the homeland safe from evil hands.

Suitably attired, he strode forward with years of boxing experience and the cheers of an army, also fighting, bloodied and dying, strengthening his shoulders as he walked into the ring to face the final challenger.

Ahead he saw him waiting: taller, heavier, longer arms and solid. Yet he knew he had within him the strength of a nation willing him on. Both fighters stood waiting for the bell to declare the challenge had begun.

In front of the eyes of millions, some fans of each man, others with eyes of curiosity, or anxiety with betting slips in their hands, the battle raged, blood flew, and the audience swayed one way and the other, as scores wobbled between the fighters.

Round 10: the final bell rang and Oleksandr Usyk was declared the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World.

What an inspiring man!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Leonhard Niederwimmer on Unsplash

May 22, 2024




Yawn, yawn, yawn!

Snore, snore, snore! 

I am happily sleeping!

Someone is calling, “Time to get up. It's morning.”

I do not want to leave my bed just yet. So I am ignoring it, starting my pretend snoring.

Someone has opened the door, firmly calling,

“Up now. I know you’re not asleep. If you don’t, I will say I’ve made your breakfast, when I have not!”

Come on now. Struggle up. It’s a beautiful day. I have made lots of plans for us to do and enjoy.

A walk in a meadow with lots of wildflowers. A carrot for a horse, or a donkey or two.

Into a cafรฉ where you can choose what to eat. Chatting with friends who might already be there.

A play on a swing or a slide, giving you a laugh and giggle inside.

Then indoors for a storytelling sit and listen.

Is that you I hear, cleaning your teeth and having a good wash?

I will start a real breakfast, a favourite of yours. If you need help with dressing, give me a call.

When we are ready, we’ll set off to the Ferring Sense Centre.

Where we will join in the fun with everyone!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Kyle Nieber on Unsplash

May 21, 2024



A winding road going somewhere, 

Wildflowers in full bloom, 

And hills spread out into the distance 

In a light haze will always gain my attention 

And take me with them, 

Even when painted and captured in a frame.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 20, 2024



Within my breast lies a story untold, too murderous to be revealed to anyone except me. 

Many have tried to unseal it, to find the key to this one tale only I have been able to unlock and hide. 

Leaving clues to tantalise. Til this earth I leave so it shall remain: the unrevealed tale. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Threading a needle pulling it through, taking with it memories when choosing what colours to use. When, in dark times, using colours black, white, grey, and navy blue. 

You thoughtfully pull the thread through your cloth, while gently adjusting spare thoughts. With other moods, it is bright colours you deliberately choose to chase the blues away. Remembering past times when in the company or on your own.

You colour-blended pictures or views with stitches so fine, with a jab of the needle drawing blood from time to time. Sharing laughter and stories with the odd cup of tea, with good friends surrounding you. 

Years later,  looking back at the cushion, the bedspread, the tray cloth, the picture on the wall. A warm chuckle escapes, remembering the making of them all. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Reading is the fastest route to a lifetime of self-sought knowledge. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 19, 2024



A dart of movement in the garden caught my attention.

It was so small, hopping in and out of the bushes, moving as quickly as a flash.

Watching to see where its next hop would land.

I wonder what type of bird this new visitor might be.

It must have found something good to eat or wanted a rest.

I had to wait patiently in the cold, ’til my bird knowledge could be put to the test.

It’s a Jenny Wren! A Jenny Wren! 

I wonder if it’s nesting nearby?

What a treat that would be, to watch the hatching of the shy and secretive Jenny Wrens: a pure delight for me!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 18, 2024



A fox is sitting on the lawn, anxiously waiting gazing intently alert to every sound

Does she have some cubs I wonder? 

It is the right time of the year, it is true. Or are they still tucked up keeping cosy?

As spring warms up she will bring them out, to share our garden and have a play. 

It is then we will get to know them, while they learn their survival skills. When to hunt, stand their ground, or turn and run away. 

For the moment they need the curiosity to explore, safe in the garden with their siblings mock fighting and cuddling, sleeping their growing up young lives away. 

First of all, we have to wait and see, does she have any Cubs at all?

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License



Two sheep standing in silhouette against one another in a sun-drenched paddock. 

One said out of the side of his mouth to the other. 

“Ten minutes then we will change sides, as I heard the Farmer say we have to be in the pink, not well done.”

A kneeling sheep staring into the grass is spotted by a mate. 

Who asks “What are you doing.”

“I’m trying hard to see if enough green grass will appear for tomorrow’s meals, as I have to grow a new coat before winter.”

A sheep contentedly grazing in a valley suddenly looked up, listened, then called out to another sheep.

“Shep! There is going to be a huge storm tonight.”

“How do you know that Lambie?” He called back.

“Well that bloke who just drove past real fast, blasted the news out from his radio. 

Amazing what you hear when you are not really listening.”

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 



I am a turkey with intelligence pretty well stuffed.

With a flock I am the leader, they always obey.

With a flick of my wing they can go or stay.

Occasionally challenged over a mate I have chosen,

Feathers fly there is a blood-spattered commotion.

When parading through our patch,

A human appears which I quickly dispatch.

They do not know what to do with us!

We straddle the road, no car can pass,

As we gobble our objections.

They are scared to alight in case we rush them,

Pecking, striking, bashing them about.

They sit some patiently, others in fury,

As we meander as slowly as possible,

With an occasional stop to preen an itch.

In snowy winter we pathetically gather,

With steam rising from feathers drooping,

Till they say poor things and throw us a snack.

Which we gobble up before poohing straight through.

Leaving we shout our thanks.

Don't worry, we will be back!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

May 17, 2024



Clutter, clutter, I start to mutter, as years of clutter I have slowly managed to collect.

Clothes this year won’t fit, kept in hopes of a later shape change, becomes a mantra I cannot shift, no matter how hard I try.

Clutter, clutter holds a memory that is far too strong, to pass onto other unknowing, unfeeling, unsympathetic hands.

Others I hope will be useful one day; I cannot throw them away.

Clutter, clutter reduces my home ’til I am squashed into a tiny place.

Friends and family no longer call; I meet them outside. I hate them reminding me of the elephant in the room.

The shame overwhelms me, yet I just can’t move the load, both physically and mentally, so I wallow in my hollow, ’til someone comes with understanding to assist.

Releasing me into a world I hardly know exists.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by ลžahin Sezer Dinรงer on Unsplash

May 16, 2024



Please listen to me!

Will you let me have my say?

How I have kept silent all this time with resentment swirling and turning thoughts in my mind.

Playing with sentences round and round in my head.

Shall I say it this way? Or would this other way be better?

Oh, why do I wrap it up? Why can’t I just say it? 

What is the matter with me? Why have I become such a wimp?

When first we wed, conversation flew, especially in bed. There was nothing we did not share; Laughs there were aplenty.

What is going wrong? Can we put it right?

Perhaps I need to say to him, “It is your turn. I will now listen to you.”

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

May 15, 2024



Entering from a dark woodland into a bright clearing, breathtaking scenery meets the eye. 

A frilly water-filled shimmering lake. A wide expanse to stretch your gaze, with a backdrop of hills fading in a mist slowly away. 

Reeds and bulrushes bend and sway in the gentle wind. Yet, in amongst this beauty, death awaits the unwary. 

A stoat bides its time, to snatch in a moment a fish listlessly sleeping off its mealtime. 

The stoat carries home its trophy to its family awaiting and once fully content, they too curl up to sleep, but not to snore.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photos: Pixabay License 

May 14, 2024



This is me! Here I stand!

All emotions are shredded; do you understand?

The light inside has dimmed; no longer bright.

Can you see how desperate I am this night?

What do I need to do to climb back into the light?

I held my breath and pressed the button: 116 123.

The Samaritans answered.

Struggling to answer a word, any word, as they waited, listening for me.

Slowly, stuttering through tears, trying to explain my pain. 

A calm voice listened to me in all my misery.

Together, over time, a thread appeared to draw me back.

Hope very small grew, as I slowly turned back to living, forming another plan.

As I now know there is a future ahead for me to try.

This is me!

If this is you now, press the button: 116 123.


There are other similar organisations in different parts of the World. 

Suicide is sadly touching more families internationally, with multiple causes. 

If you do not have such wonderful support as the Samaritans, contact them to see if you can start one with their experience to build on,

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

May 13, 2024



I am sitting here at home waiting for the rain to ease, so I can make a geriatric dash up the road, to the club I try to go to every week called SQUARE 1 CAFE. 

Speed will be of the essence if I want to arrive remotely dry. I am just waiting for the raindrops splashing in a puddle visible from my window, to stop falling or becoming light to minimal, before making my dash.

I have a raincoat which is very efficient at keeping out the rain, and cold, but its hood has the annoying habit of dropping over your eyes leaving you sightless till you push it back up. 

Unfortunately, it was not designed to stay on my head despite all my attempts to stop it. It is very much a dry weather coat. 

I have made the decision now to buy a waterproof hat!

The rain has eased I am now off.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

May 12, 2024



My husband was grumbling, "Do you remember those blueberries I planted?" I nodded in reply.

"Well they have masses of berries and some are blue, but every time I go to pick them, none are ripe enough. What a waste of space they are!"

I noticed a while ago that he had netted them to protect them from the birds.

With my interest alerted, I began to take a closer look at the blueberry bushes.

Suddenly a flurry of black feathers landed on the net, it was a blackbird.

I sat quietly watching and caught the thief at work.

He looked around to see if it was safe to start his robbery.

He pecked at the blueberries through the net, as it was a tight mesh net he could not pull the berries through.

That did not stop him from picking the fruit.

How silly is that I thought to myself, to just destroy the fruit?

Then he flew down to the ground and there laid out before him was a carpet of juicy blueberries.

He quickly crushed and swallowed them, staining his yellow beak blue in the process.

My husband decided he would have to be up very early to beat the blackbird to his Blueberry breakfast.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



A spur-of-the-moment invitation to an early evening event brought a change of mood to my day’s end. 

A friend took me to the venue, perched on the edge of a bend in the River Thames. 

Together we entered The Harts Boatyard, our venue. Hesitatingly peering around to seek the right direction to go in, we saw a banner declaring LINKEDIN. 

Moving forward, we were greeted by a group member and ushered inside.

The room was snug, with a few tables and chairs scattered at the edges. 

At the end, a door opened out onto a balcony edging the swollen, broody Thames, silently flowing by in the dwindling light and cold chill of approaching night.

Inside, strangers introduced themselves to one another while grasping glasses of good cheer. 

Those a bit shyer were taken under the wing of a group member, until a bit more relaxed, before being introduced to someone else. 

As the room filled, the talk became louder, as names, occupations and business cards were exchanged. 

Deemed a very successful evening, it was scheduled to be repeated on the first Thursday of every month.

Slowly, the talk dwindled as members made their way home. I turned to look at the bloated, occasionally eddying, River Thames making its never-ending, lonely journey to the sea.

While I remembered the warmth of new friendships generated in the course of the evening when I attended the first Kingston LinkedIn Networking Evening.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen


May 11, 2024

World Migratory Bird Day



Millions of birds fly super-flights in search of food and safe nesting sites around the world. They just had to judge and fight nature and one another to survive. 

Now, human beings are adding a large threat to them, with pollution on land and in the oceans, and shooting and trapping.

Our houses, with vast panes of glass windows and doors, and fences and walls, kill a huge number of birds. Our pets, especially cats, kill many, many more.

Humans are changing the sites where birds have traditionally found refuge after large journeys, removing trees and ponds and replacing them with houses and roads. Electric wiring and fences electrocute thousands. We now have a bird flu virus, which is killing millions more.

The latest figures are a real wake-up call to the loss of a once much larger population of birds.

Birds and humans are dependent on one another; we need to help them, and we can: plant trees and leave bird migration habitat especially for them; plant food they enjoy in our gardens and countryside; stop weed-killing spraying — birds cannot tolerate that; keep down the stray cat population by neutering. 

I am sure I have missed many things that harm our birds; we just need to think about how we can protect them. 

So that, in generations to come, we will have birds helping us keep the insect population down and spreading seeds to grow necessary new plants for us all to enjoy.

Look to the sky and watch the birds fly by.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



My skin is as thick as yours; protects me, it is true, from infection trying to burrow through. Yet mine has more protection than yours.

We speak the same language and live in the same town. However, it took a while for me to realise there was a dividing line.

Humans we are; we bleed and hurt inside and out.

What was the difference that kept me in low regard and you in an exalted place?

My qualifications, pardon my mentioning, are superior to yours; yet the barrier is still there. It was the colour of our skin of many shades that separated us from you.

Thankfully, there are many who accept us in friendship and family, with no hidden agenda.

In time, the mixing of our genes will make this a very special land. Nowhere in the world is there a community of perfection; that would be too much to expect of humankind.

All we ask is a level playing field and for you to see the beauty of our nature. We will blossom and show you the experience and knowledge we have to share.

Together, in friendship, we will help improve the lives of everyone, proving it has nothing to do with the colour of our skin, but plenty to do with the willingness of our hearts.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 10, 2024




"I see those cakes, but how do I get in? Gather around mates, perhaps if we stare in long enough, they will open the door and invite us in."


This story starts with a large seagull tapping the glass and parading to and fro. It was joined by a pigeon, a magpie, a jackdaw, and a blackbird. 

They were very determined to be invited to the party.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

May 9, 2024



As this day slips into the past, the next is waiting, to burst into brightness.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

May 8, 2024



Today is the day to look for that very special book.

Take a trip with lots of time to spare and search for the hidden gem.

Libraries are the best place to start as books there are usually free.

In your search, go to shelves unfamiliar, to genres new.

Search high and low places you do not usually go.

There are treasures there just waiting for you.

If you fail to find the story to take home, do not despair.

Grasping cash or card in hand, into a bookstore make your way. 

There you will find the very latest published books, issued today.

I am staying in to put the final words into a new book for the next year.

Have fun!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

May 7, 2024




I wobble to the left!

I wobble to the right!

I grab hold of a chair, to keep upright.

I wobble to the front!

I wobble to the back!

I grab an arm and hold on tight.

I have been to the Doctor. He has given me a pill.

So in a day or two, I hope to be safe and fully upright!


© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

May 2, 2024


To write a note that reveals my mind, for others to read with eyes unkind.

It hurts to stand and wait for signs of pleasure or pretence or total lack of insight and understanding.

I never did suspect I'd feel so raw, exposed and unprotected, like a desert.
I stand to wait for that one spot of rain to propel me into putting pen to paper once again.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Video made by Anna Almeida

May 1, 2024



The simplest things, bring the greatest comfort, at times of great deprivation and loss.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License