May 22, 2024




Yawn, yawn, yawn!

Snore, snore, snore! 

I am happily sleeping!

Someone is calling, “Time to get up. It's morning.”

I do not want to leave my bed just yet. So I am ignoring it, starting my pretend snoring.

Someone has opened the door, firmly calling,

“Up now. I know you’re not asleep. If you don’t, I will say I’ve made your breakfast, when I have not!”

Come on now. Struggle up. It’s a beautiful day. I have made lots of plans for us to do and enjoy.

A walk in a meadow with lots of wildflowers. A carrot for a horse, or a donkey or two.

Into a café where you can choose what to eat. Chatting with friends who might already be there.

A play on a swing or a slide, giving you a laugh and giggle inside.

Then indoors for a storytelling sit and listen.

Is that you I hear, cleaning your teeth and having a good wash?

I will start a real breakfast, a favourite of yours. If you need help with dressing, give me a call.

When we are ready, we’ll set off to the Ferring Sense Centre.

Where we will join in the fun with everyone!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Kyle Nieber on Unsplash

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