May 11, 2024

World Migratory Bird Day



Millions of birds fly super-flights in search of food and safe nesting sites around the world. They just had to judge and fight nature and one another to survive. 

Now, human beings are adding a large threat to them, with pollution on land and in the oceans, and shooting and trapping.

Our houses, with vast panes of glass windows and doors, and fences and walls, kill a huge number of birds. Our pets, especially cats, kill many, many more.

Humans are changing the sites where birds have traditionally found refuge after large journeys, removing trees and ponds and replacing them with houses and roads. Electric wiring and fences electrocute thousands. We now have a bird flu virus, which is killing millions more.

The latest figures are a real wake-up call to the loss of a once much larger population of birds.

Birds and humans are dependent on one another; we need to help them, and we can: plant trees and leave bird migration habitat especially for them; plant food they enjoy in our gardens and countryside; stop weed-killing spraying — birds cannot tolerate that; keep down the stray cat population by neutering. 

I am sure I have missed many things that harm our birds; we just need to think about how we can protect them. 

So that, in generations to come, we will have birds helping us keep the insect population down and spreading seeds to grow necessary new plants for us all to enjoy.

Look to the sky and watch the birds fly by.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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