May 13, 2024



I am sitting here at home waiting for the rain to ease, so I can make a geriatric dash up the road, to the club I try to go to every week called SQUARE 1 CAFE. 

Speed will be of the essence if I want to arrive remotely dry. I am just waiting for the raindrops splashing in a puddle visible from my window, to stop falling or becoming light to minimal, before making my dash.

I have a raincoat which is very efficient at keeping out the rain, and cold, but its hood has the annoying habit of dropping over your eyes leaving you sightless till you push it back up. 

Unfortunately, it was not designed to stay on my head despite all my attempts to stop it. It is very much a dry weather coat. 

I have made the decision now to buy a waterproof hat!

The rain has eased I am now off.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

1 comment:

  1. Get your heart desire,,,,,,,

    ✨Make Ex come back.
    ✨Get Ex back.
    ✨Win Ex back
    ✨Repair broken Marriage
    ✨Make him/her love you again.
    ✨Restore broken marriage
    ✨Re-unite with Ex.
    ✨Reconnect with Ex
    ✨Revive failed marriage.
    ✨Make Ex beg you..
    ✨Bring back soulmate
    ✨Get Ex back forever.
    ✨Make Ex marry you.
    ✨Make ex forgive you and accept you back
    ✨Make Ex run after you
    ✨Fix troubled marriage
    ✨Win back Ex baby Daddy.
    ✨Unite with spouse.
    ✨Make Ex desire you.
    ✨Make Ex crazy in love with you
    ✨Make Ex want you back
    ✨Bring back lost Ex from another partner
    ✨Make Ex run back to you.
    ✨Me Ex cry to be with you again
    ✨Win his/her heart again
    ✨Make him/her committed to you
    ✨Make him/her give you a second chance

    Via, Robinsonbuckler11@ gmail com
