May 16, 2024



Please listen to me!

Will you let me have my say?

How I have kept silent all this time with resentment swirling and turning thoughts in my mind.

Playing with sentences round and round in my head.

Shall I say it this way? Or would this other way be better?

Oh, why do I wrap it up? Why can’t I just say it? 

What is the matter with me? Why have I become such a wimp?

When first we wed, conversation flew, especially in bed. There was nothing we did not share; Laughs there were aplenty.

What is going wrong? Can we put it right?

Perhaps I need to say to him, “It is your turn. I will now listen to you.”

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

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