May 31, 2024



Give me a giggle, give me a laugh!

Make my sides heave with a breathless gasp. 

Let’s chase all the gloom away.

Give me a funny face or a clean comical joke. 

To make me laugh and splutter when drinking my coke.

Do dance with lots of quick wriggly stuff. 

Making everyone laugh as they try to copy us.

Changing partners and dancing with the jokes and laughs gently flowing.

Till the last dance with you, when filing our way out calling cheery greetings as we make our home.

Let’s keep the laughter going till our front door, where we will tap tap the knocker.

Laugh and laugh and giggle our way through the open door.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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