May 18, 2024



A fox is sitting on the lawn, anxiously waiting gazing intently alert to every sound

Does she have some cubs I wonder? 

It is the right time of the year, it is true. Or are they still tucked up keeping cosy?

As spring warms up she will bring them out, to share our garden and have a play. 

It is then we will get to know them, while they learn their survival skills. When to hunt, stand their ground, or turn and run away. 

For the moment they need the curiosity to explore, safe in the garden with their siblings mock fighting and cuddling, sleeping their growing up young lives away. 

First of all, we have to wait and see, does she have any Cubs at all?

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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