May 14, 2024



This is me! Here I stand!

All emotions are shredded; do you understand?

The light inside has dimmed; no longer bright.

Can you see how desperate I am this night?

What do I need to do to climb back into the light?

I held my breath and pressed the button: 116 123.

The Samaritans answered.

Struggling to answer a word, any word, as they waited, listening for me.

Slowly, stuttering through tears, trying to explain my pain. 

A calm voice listened to me in all my misery.

Together, over time, a thread appeared to draw me back.

Hope very small grew, as I slowly turned back to living, forming another plan.

As I now know there is a future ahead for me to try.

This is me!

If this is you now, press the button: 116 123.


There are other similar organisations in different parts of the World. 

Suicide is sadly touching more families internationally, with multiple causes. 

If you do not have such wonderful support as the Samaritans, contact them to see if you can start one with their experience to build on,

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

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