May 18, 2024



Two sheep standing in silhouette against one another in a sun-drenched paddock. 

One said out of the side of his mouth to the other. 

“Ten minutes then we will change sides, as I heard the Farmer say we have to be in the pink, not well done.”

A kneeling sheep staring into the grass is spotted by a mate. 

Who asks “What are you doing.”

“I’m trying hard to see if enough green grass will appear for tomorrow’s meals, as I have to grow a new coat before winter.”

A sheep contentedly grazing in a valley suddenly looked up, listened, then called out to another sheep.

“Shep! There is going to be a huge storm tonight.”

“How do you know that Lambie?” He called back.

“Well that bloke who just drove past real fast, blasted the news out from his radio. 

Amazing what you hear when you are not really listening.”

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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