Mar 31, 2024



To all our friends, we're wishing you an Easter filled with hope, love and joy.

May your Easter Sunday be delicious and sprinkled with magic stories and chocolate eggs to share!



It is the Easter Day parade, I will let you know.

It is when bunnies like me, are held in high regard.

We are in the shop windows peering out.

Either as cuddly toys covered in fur, or as chocolate bunnies covered in silver or gold, with ribbons tied around the neck bright and bold.

Others are painted on mugs, to hold small coloured Easter eggs, tightly contained and covered securely in cellophane.

To stop the curious mice from having a nibble, when passing through on a hunt.

Some of us are dressed up in ridiculous clothes, I find that hard to explain, just accept it as part of a human game.

Everywhere you look there is an image of one of us.

As a family of real rabbits, we live on the hill, watching unconcerned.

Knowing this odd behaviour, will soon fade away, until the approach of the next Easter Parade day.

So Hopity High, Hopity Ho!

It is time now for us to go into our burrows and puzzle what all the goings-on had been about.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 30, 2024


A promise made so long ago in a land of palms and sand. Passed down from generation to generation into far distant lands. The message is not always the same amongst different people.

Yet, at the core of this special time, all religions teach kindness, love and peace, and to share what you have to eat, in God’s name.

Children delight in eggs, coloured real or chocolate, made and filled, awaiting the dawn of this special celebration.

My heartfelt wish is for peace and love to reign supreme and spread around the world at this Easter time.

A happy Easter to everyone from the WobblingPen Team.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 29, 2024


Hello, cat lovers. I have been thinking; that it helps to do that from time to time. Easter seems to be a good time to choose.

The garden seems to be livening up, bulbs bursting into flowers, leaves on trees straining to burst open to provide hiding places for nesting birds. I don’t chase birds anymore, just do lots of watching.

It is a bit early to curl up in a cosy spot outdoors as rain keeps passing over, making everything wet, wet, wet. I hate being wet: Wobbly throws a towel over me, giving me a wriggling, rapid, all-over rub. I then have the task of licking my fur back into line, when I could be resting. She does not understand that I can dry myself on the bottoms of couches and bedding, and roll all over the carpet to make sure I am really dry. Much more fun!

Another Easter: we have shared quite a few now together, growing older and, I believe wiser, as I think back to when I chose her and moved in. Dad took longer to accept I had come to stay, not just to be a casual visitor.

We hope more of you are looking forward to a happy Easter, just as we are. Spread kindness as much as you can, and watch smiles in thankfulness spread too. 

Happy Easter Cat Lovers!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 28, 2024



Easter Egg where are you?

I am told you are hiding, I have to search for you.

In the house behind a chair under the table.

Are you quietly there?

Or out in the garden, rolled up under a bush.

Easter Egg where are you?

If I am out there, you had better be quick, or I will melt away and you won’t see, how beautiful I was.

As I will become a sticky mess for your fingers and lips, to taste and enjoy. Covering your best clothes in sticky brown.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 27, 2024



Another holiday time is here, with spring struggling through.

Whether you are here or abroad, the fun can be had by one and all.

The strident sound of seagulls, was my wake-up call, as I am staying three streets away from the beach retaining wall.

Opening reluctant eyelids to look skywards, to be rewarded with blue sky.

Stretching to move to start the new day looking downwards at, beautiful flowers bursting out to bask in the sunshine.

It is the Easter Holiday time and it looks sublime.

I am ready to enjoy this special family holiday time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 26, 2024



Walking along, nosing pebbles out the way to find bugs for breakfast at the start of the day.

The sun is heating me as my spines are in the way.

Someone is coming I must tuck myself out of sight under this bush will do.

Something big is making a loud munching noise, above me, and heavy breathing too.

A voice spoke just above my head, “I know you are in there, come out for a chat.

I am a donkey and hedgehogs are not part of my diet.

This is a special day Easter Sunday, last week many many years ago my ancestor played a big part.

He carried a man called Jesus on his back, to the temple but he never brought him back.”

“Why not,” I asked quite puzzled.

“The story has been told year after year that he died upon a cross, to save all creatures great and small.

We are all going to meet up in a place called heaven.

I am looking forward to that as my body is ageing and creaking with the onset of pain.

It is going to be great as there are some lovely people I would love to see again.”

“Thank you mister Donkey, that is quite a relief to me, as as a hedgehog I am not always treated kindly down here.

It is nice to know that it will all come right one day.”

The donkey ended by saying “A Happy Easter Day to you and your family.”

I returned the greeting to him, as I rushed downhill in a ball, to spread the good news to one and all.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 25, 2024



Hello Wobblers!

We are slowly making our way towards Easter, which means holiday time.

It is a very important holy time for many Christian people in our World. Your teachers will share information about why we celebrate Easter. 

Have you been making Easter cards and thinking about how you might decorate your hard-boiled eggs? 

We used to have such fun rolling them down a hill. The winner was the one whose egg went the furthest without being cracked.

I wonder if any of you have thought about where to hide your Easter eggs in the garden and house for your family to find always such an amazing time.  

Try to remember something for anyone living alone, it would be a thrill for them to receive an Easter card, phone call or an egg from you. 

I will be busy myself preparing some lovely cakes to share with people I know. 

Have a happy holiday!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 24, 2024





I find it hard to accept you are not here,

For the first time in a lifetime, I miss you.

I held your hand as you slipped away.

There would be no coming back from your journey.

I will just have to stay,

Until I receive my invitation.

To join you in that place of no return.

When we meet up together it will be joyous

Happy day, happy day, happy day!

For now, I find it hard to accept you are not here,

Where you are now, you are happy, 

With no tears and at last pain-free.

I cannot wish you back,

That would be very unfair of me.

Happy days, Happy days, Happy days!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 23, 2024



Each day, I view the dormant earth in a flower pot.

To watch a small, shiny nose ease its way through.

Stopping and starting ’til the weather is just right.

Long, slender, green leaves protect the bud ’til it too starts revealing.

At first, just a glimpse, then in bright yellow a full flower extending.

A joyful sight as it dances in the brilliant sunlight.

Lifting hearts with thoughts of summer and its approaching delights.

Daffodils showing off their yellow dresses chase away winter distresses.

Paving the way for more flowers to bring smiles and joy to so many faces.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Mar 22, 2024



On swishing open my curtains this morning, I shocked a big black crow into flight.

I apologised as she was having breakfast on the lawn.

‘Don’t go Mrs Crow.’

What a stately bird, every feather is gleaming and in place. Eyes looking at me eye to eye.

‘Please do not go, enjoy your breakfast.’

Breaking her stare, she turned her back on me, to return to her search for food. 

I became a silent admiring watcher, wondering what she liked for breakfast.

After winter, crows have to eat as much as they can, ready for the hard work, to build nests on the tops of trees, 

For their young birds when they arrive. 

Spring is a busy time!!!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



My aunt Penny gave me a penny to purchase a pen.

I lost the pen on my way to Wobbly Shire.

For I gambled with an owlish-looking hen

That cajoled me after a pint of brewed rye. 

What will I tell my dear aunt Penny? 

My excuses are wobbly always;

For I cannot lie. Maybe I'll buy sherry

To make her sleep for many days.

Then, afterwards, she will forget to chide me.

Next time I see the henny that took my penny,

She will be in the soup which will make all happy. 

Aunty Penny, care for a tall glass of sherry? 

©️ William Warigon



The innocence and absolute honesty of children should never be lost, just built upon through life.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 20, 2024



Storytelling is so vital to human beings large and small. 

We love listening to them when we are small, and delight, in reading them to others as we grow. 

They stir our imagination to learn and read with fun more and more. 

As we age, we seek tales and connections to our past, to add our stories too to make them last and last.

Enjoy the search for stories long and short, so you will always remember the thrill of reading them for the very first time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 19, 2024



Looking back, the stream is still as it was in 1914 or before.

The bridge over which they marched with jaunty steps with friends and neighbours in line.

To answer their country’s call, to take up arms and sail to war.

The return, long anticipated, dragged on year by horrendous year till 1918: unbelievable.

Only on their slow way back over the bridge and stream, did the gaps in their ranks become exposed.

They paused in sadness and thankfulness to add their tears to the stream below.

As they drank in the peace and beauty of the land they had fought and died to preserve whilst far away in foreign lands.

Before tightening their pack straps and adjusting their caps, to march with pride to the welcome long yearned for here at home.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo by: © Jane Risdon (Author)



Years have passed since we were physically together. I just have to whisper to the wind, that you were the best Dad I could ever have had.

Hands big and strong that I could play peek-a-boo with. Knees I grasped in delight many a time and pulled myself up on. To be rewarded with a laugh and a swing through the air.

Holding me tightly to perch on your shoulders,  with a sudden dip to avoid me hitting the light shade dangling there. A collapse in merriment into a chair to return me to ground level.

With me calling, “more Daddy more,” with arms hopefully outstretched.

As I grew our love and friendship changed.

You with great patience made my toys, some part of my education. A clock so I could learn to tell the time. Board game challenges to assist me in the difficulty of learning to count. A skill I still have not managed to master very speedily even today.

Then the proud day came and you took me to the library, for my first library card and choice of books. I felt so grown up as we carried our choices home. As growing older I began to share your selection of books too. Slowly expanding my knowledge of things I would not have read on my own.

When I misbehaved, I remember usually not returning home on time being one. You had the final word. You taught me about caring for one another. To keep to time or everyone would be worrying, as the world is not always a kind friendly place. He repeated the rules expressed to the young, by parents time after time. Ending with, “Never go with a stranger no matter what they say or offer you. We would never send a stranger for you, we love you too much.”

When older and I had trips away from home, you always took me to the station, to wave me off. Without fail no matter what weather, time or place, you would be there waiting to welcome me home.

In later years when work and marriage took me away, the urge to return home for visits remained very strong. To share some great storytelling and to seek good advice, which you delivered so well.

So standing here watching the moon fade and the sunrise. I send my love and immense gratitude to the best Dad a girl could ever have had.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Beneath this tree, I lie in final rest.

When in the world I tried my best.

Not always was I as good as gold,

Nor unfailingly did as I was told.

It’s now time for God to add my life up.

I just hope my best efforts were good enough.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 18, 2024


Once the space inside these holy walls echoed with the quiet padding of leather soles. 

Monks and priests chanted prayers for our health and to save our human souls.

Then in violence, it all changed the victims of mad war games. What was left took time to settle.

In silence and ruin, it was for a time left to go wild. Till along came men of vision, to save what could be saved.

Leaving space for quiet rest and contemplation. Amidst a bustling, relentless demanding, working city.

Where within the remaining upright walls, prayers and thoughts could once more be quietly expressed to soothe restless hearts and souls.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 17, 2024



Some of my Facebook friends, and Facebook itself, seem to have noticed a lapse in my regular postings. I have been struggling with a damaged left shoulder, and negotiating my way through the NHS to surgery and recovery at SWELOC A LEADING ORTHOPAEDIC CENTRE IN SURREY.

The biggest hindrance has been trying to dodge the pesky bugs both among staff and myself. How they manage to chop and change appointments all the time, to keep the bed spaces full and rotating, is nothing short of miraculous.

I have been treated with the utmost, surgical care and support, and am improving rapidly with the paced supervision of a physiotherapist.

My other injury is too dangerous to operate on, so I am working out the best way to manage it and carry on doing what I want to do as comfortably as possible.

I booked myself into THE RUSTINGTON CONVALESCENT HOME IN SUSSEX by the sea. A wonderful experience allowing me every opportunity to recover. Assisted with physiotherapy, excellent food, nursing reassurance, companionship, exercise, music and lots of that magical healing ingredient laughter.

Sadly this is not a free NHS service. It is not available generally to patients, some of whom I think could benefit from its gentle encouraging first week or few days of post-operative adjustment, especially for those who live alone.

We used to have quite a few dotted around the country, but sadly no more.

Now safely back home with my young man, I am writing again.

My love and understanding to all those of you struggling either, waiting for an operation or recovering from one. Patience is a word I will share with everyone, as we wait for your turn to come around.

Spread a little kindness and smiles while you can.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



The news has come from the moor, your heart unexpectedly stopped. Your spirit is free to roam, in this place.

Where you found hard work, great comfort and now repose.

We in time will with a visit to this blessed place, renew the essence of our friendship once again.

You will be missed but not lost.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 16, 2024



Glancing around the room I observed him.

He was the required height, dressed well not too unfashionably for the times. 

I circulated the floor as manners dictated, till we were introduced and I heard him speak.

It was then love-struck, I stumbled with my greeting.

What we said I have no recall now of that first meeting.

All I know is love firmly struck as we carried on speaking.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 15, 2024



When love captures our interest.

Our hearts start to race.

We keep searching 

For the object of our affection.

Till the day we seal, 

What is our unbreakable connection?

Living for each other till our last day.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 14, 2024



The meal was great,

The dancing divine,

So was the wine,

The kiss well...

What can I say?

I have to ask,

You to leave,

As I have fences to mend.

Ask me out again,

I will then be yours,

For a whole lifetime.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 13, 2024



When love was declared!

A journey into a new future together began!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



The promise together you have just announced, changing forever your feelings for one another.

No longer a good friendship with hopes, now a pair, with a future to plan and share.

It would take an unwise person to say it will all be plain sailing.

You bring emotional luggage from two different lives.

Some of you will keep enriching your new future, and others will be discarded as no longer required.

A few things are best left unsorted till less emotional times.

Our delight and good wishes are given to you both now, as you plan for your wedding pledge and the rest of your lives.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

Mar 11, 2024



I heard a whisper in the breeze.

You are about to retire and seek your ease. Or will the gap be filled with invitations, yes, please!

Oh yes, please!

Try to save a quite big enough spot, for a pile of books to keep you glued,

With a glass of wine in hand and constantly changing, relaxing, spectacular views.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 10, 2024



Hope is what the whole World is searching for and clinging onto. 

Each crumb of hope you find pass it on, it might just help someone.

Hope and kindness is a feeling well worth universal spreading.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



The solitude of standing still,

Breathing fresh air taking my fill.

Sensitive ears collect sounds I rarely hear,

When drowned by others mingling near.

Adjusting my inner thoughts later to share,

As words crafted with care.

Trapping this moment into a book.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 9, 2024






Tantalising my imagination and taking me away from where I am now, to where I might like to be absolutely wonderful!


2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 7, 2024



Happy World Book Day!

A whole day to look at, talk about, share and enjoy books;

By yourself, with your parents, with a friend or in school.

How wonderful!

I wonder if you will find a fantastic new author with an amazing new story. Or will you find on the bottom shelf of the library, an old book you will be delighted to read and never forget?

Perhaps you will write a story yourself, with words filling page after page, ready to be printed into a book. How wonderful might that be?

Do not waste this day; read as much as you can. Share your favourite new-found books with your friends.

Have fun! 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License




I'm a book, a very good book, but my cover is as plain and dowdy as can be, so much so, that people browsing through the shelves fail to discover me.

I've had a few near misses when they have almost prised me out, then forced me back in again, with derision.

It's a job to coax me back into my slot, as I need to be pushed and shoved quite a lot.

To make me fit in, amongst the big, coloured glossy books that are my neighbours.

I'm waiting here, with patience, for the day when someone pulls me out and says: "I have been looking for you for simply ages!"

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 6, 2024



I love to wake up in the morning, to turn gently to see if you are close.

Settling to watch your breathing, your face is well known and loved sleeping in repose.

The years we have shared together flash before my eyes, bringing smiles a firm grip on laughter as memories float by.

I am trying to fix this moment permanently in my mind.

As age is moving us forward unknowingly, towards the end of our truly loving time.

A flicker of eyelashes indicate you are waking, I wait a moment longer, before greeting and gently kissing you.

The Man I Love!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Here we are long-time weds, lying side by side in bed in the dark. I know you are sleeping, by the rhythm your breath is keeping, interrupted by the occasional excruciating snore. Now it is safe to say the words I have kept back unspoken throughout the day.

I need this space to put my feelings in their place, now you are at home following me around all day. I try hard to understand the loss you are facing, it is not easy, but I can see your pain, some of the time. This used to be my domain, with no one breathing down my neck and constantly checking.

After all with respect who has been doing it so smoothly all this time? If I hear one more instruction or have a heat reduction on a culinary concoction I have left cooking superbly on the stove, I really do believe I'll scream, do you hear?

Why can't you leave me well alone and allow me to run the home, please? My dear. There are a great many things you are reluctant to do, but if you did, it would be divine! Then you would have your department and I, blissfully, would have mine.

By the way your idea about the bathroom, I have reconsidered and I will tell you in the morning, it is fine. I wonder if he knows I have these chats with him in the middle of the night, of course not, don't be silly!

Well, dear, I think that is all for tonight, see you in the morning darling, sweet dreams, goodnight.


What's that noise? Only me waking myself up snoring, but did she hear? Is she awake? No, it's alright, she's turning over! Watch out, or she will hit you in the neck, gosh that was close. Ouch, it was my knee which she bashed instead.

Do you know, it's hard to say, but I miss my work and mates every day and find it difficult to slip into place here at home. I miss making the big, sometimes scary decisions, and being called to urgent conferences right away. I am trying hard to get my teeth into something really important and useful and I will if it happens to come my way.

Then I might discard this feeling I find so very hard to take, of being useless, finished, well before my time. I try not to interfere, but I am not always successful; I have to truthfully agree! After all, it is only right the wife has got things just so; well she thinks she has!

But if it was up to me! I can see quite clearly the need to make some adjustments, here and there. However, I think I need to move a great deal slower, not rush things through and push her over.

Maybe then I won't suffer her anger and rejection all the time.

To be fair, she has no objection to my slipping off for an idle wander, a round of golf, or a pint of beer. Then, if I see she is really upset, I give in unexpectedly, allowing her to win the occasional round. I think that is the way to play it so we can get on together day by day.

After all, she is my love, my wife, and we have crossed a lot of hurdles in our life. One more big one, and then we will settle to the next comfortable stage, old age! Is that her moving? No, her breathing is quite soothing, but I think I have said enough for tonight my love.

Goodnight dear! Love you! Sweet dreams! Sleep well!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 5, 2024



You are the one

I could tell

From the moment

You moved my way.

My heart did start

A pitter-patter.

I knew at once

You were the one for me.

I looked away

Not to appear so eager.

I did not want

To scare you away.

I wanted our love

To gather slowly

Gentleness, kindness and respect

Along the way.

I did not want to be

A battered woman

When the shine

Waned from our romance.

Or faded

Yet I longed

To tenderly touch you.

To stir a smile.

Not yet a kiss

But in the future

Together with an entwining

Made to last and last.

As we danced

The jibes 

Between us

Began to gel.

The rhythm

Moulded us 

So comfortably

At the hip as well.

You are the one

I could tell.

From the moment

You moved my way.

My heart did start

A pitter-patter.

I knew at once

You were the one for me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 4, 2024



As I bent my ear down, near you to hear.

As you whispered, your last words of love and goodbye.

I held your hands tenderly, just as we did on our amazing wedding day.

I just want to reassure you, I will always be near you, even as you slip away.

Promising we will be together somewhere, sometime in the place prepared for us.

Love will surround the life I have, remaining with me till my final day.

We will always be that lovely couple, in the memories we leave behind. 

You and I, my darling will always be together as kindred spirits forever for all time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 3, 2024



The rain fell I started to run,

You called out, ‘Come share my umbrella with me.’

We stood together trying not to get too close.

Glancing up to catch a tentative glance at your face.

A rainbow appeared we had to move.

When nature’s paintbrush colours up the sky,

We can only stare in awe you and me.

Now we remember every time it rains.

Our first meeting blossomed into long-lasting love.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Mar 2, 2024



I just have to say before you go away I love you. I shall miss all the ways you have used, to convey your love to me.

Bunches for flowers every now and then when I am not expecting them. Nuts you brought to replace the ones you munched your way through.

When I left a packet unattended on the couch it is true, returned in little tubs which we shared together..

You do not have to say every day how much you love me. As I can tell so very well from the small thoughtful things you do.

My hot water bottle filled at night, switching on the bedside light. Bringing that last bedtime cup of tea, before joining me for the night.

All this I shall miss as we share our goodbyes.

Till we meet again, with flowers in your hand, arm’s stretched out wide and words of love flowing free, as the words that thrill me most are heard, “How I have missed you.”

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License