Mar 5, 2024



You are the one

I could tell

From the moment

You moved my way.

My heart did start

A pitter-patter.

I knew at once

You were the one for me.

I looked away

Not to appear so eager.

I did not want

To scare you away.

I wanted our love

To gather slowly

Gentleness, kindness and respect

Along the way.

I did not want to be

A battered woman

When the shine

Waned from our romance.

Or faded

Yet I longed

To tenderly touch you.

To stir a smile.

Not yet a kiss

But in the future

Together with an entwining

Made to last and last.

As we danced

The jibes 

Between us

Began to gel.

The rhythm

Moulded us 

So comfortably

At the hip as well.

You are the one

I could tell.

From the moment

You moved my way.

My heart did start

A pitter-patter.

I knew at once

You were the one for me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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