Mar 19, 2024



Years have passed since we were physically together. I just have to whisper to the wind, that you were the best Dad I could ever have had.

Hands big and strong that I could play peek-a-boo with. Knees I grasped in delight many a time and pulled myself up on. To be rewarded with a laugh and a swing through the air.

Holding me tightly to perch on your shoulders,  with a sudden dip to avoid me hitting the light shade dangling there. A collapse in merriment into a chair to return me to ground level.

With me calling, “more Daddy more,” with arms hopefully outstretched.

As I grew our love and friendship changed.

You with great patience made my toys, some part of my education. A clock so I could learn to tell the time. Board game challenges to assist me in the difficulty of learning to count. A skill I still have not managed to master very speedily even today.

Then the proud day came and you took me to the library, for my first library card and choice of books. I felt so grown up as we carried our choices home. As growing older I began to share your selection of books too. Slowly expanding my knowledge of things I would not have read on my own.

When I misbehaved, I remember usually not returning home on time being one. You had the final word. You taught me about caring for one another. To keep to time or everyone would be worrying, as the world is not always a kind friendly place. He repeated the rules expressed to the young, by parents time after time. Ending with, “Never go with a stranger no matter what they say or offer you. We would never send a stranger for you, we love you too much.”

When older and I had trips away from home, you always took me to the station, to wave me off. Without fail no matter what weather, time or place, you would be there waiting to welcome me home.

In later years when work and marriage took me away, the urge to return home for visits remained very strong. To share some great storytelling and to seek good advice, which you delivered so well.

So standing here watching the moon fade and the sunrise. I send my love and immense gratitude to the best Dad a girl could ever have had.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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