Mar 26, 2024



Walking along, nosing pebbles out the way to find bugs for breakfast at the start of the day.

The sun is heating me as my spines are in the way.

Someone is coming I must tuck myself out of sight under this bush will do.

Something big is making a loud munching noise, above me, and heavy breathing too.

A voice spoke just above my head, “I know you are in there, come out for a chat.

I am a donkey and hedgehogs are not part of my diet.

This is a special day Easter Sunday, last week many many years ago my ancestor played a big part.

He carried a man called Jesus on his back, to the temple but he never brought him back.”

“Why not,” I asked quite puzzled.

“The story has been told year after year that he died upon a cross, to save all creatures great and small.

We are all going to meet up in a place called heaven.

I am looking forward to that as my body is ageing and creaking with the onset of pain.

It is going to be great as there are some lovely people I would love to see again.”

“Thank you mister Donkey, that is quite a relief to me, as as a hedgehog I am not always treated kindly down here.

It is nice to know that it will all come right one day.”

The donkey ended by saying “A Happy Easter Day to you and your family.”

I returned the greeting to him, as I rushed downhill in a ball, to spread the good news to one and all.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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