Mar 22, 2024



On swishing open my curtains this morning, I shocked a big black crow into flight.

I apologised as she was having breakfast on the lawn.

‘Don’t go Mrs Crow.’

What a stately bird, every feather is gleaming and in place. Eyes looking at me eye to eye.

‘Please do not go, enjoy your breakfast.’

Breaking her stare, she turned her back on me, to return to her search for food. 

I became a silent admiring watcher, wondering what she liked for breakfast.

After winter, crows have to eat as much as they can, ready for the hard work, to build nests on the tops of trees, 

For their young birds when they arrive. 

Spring is a busy time!!!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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