Mar 2, 2024



I just have to say before you go away I love you. I shall miss all the ways you have used, to convey your love to me.

Bunches for flowers every now and then when I am not expecting them. Nuts you brought to replace the ones you munched your way through.

When I left a packet unattended on the couch it is true, returned in little tubs which we shared together..

You do not have to say every day how much you love me. As I can tell so very well from the small thoughtful things you do.

My hot water bottle filled at night, switching on the bedside light. Bringing that last bedtime cup of tea, before joining me for the night.

All this I shall miss as we share our goodbyes.

Till we meet again, with flowers in your hand, arm’s stretched out wide and words of love flowing free, as the words that thrill me most are heard, “How I have missed you.”

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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