Mar 19, 2024



Looking back, the stream is still as it was in 1914 or before.

The bridge over which they marched with jaunty steps with friends and neighbours in line.

To answer their country’s call, to take up arms and sail to war.

The return, long anticipated, dragged on year by horrendous year till 1918: unbelievable.

Only on their slow way back over the bridge and stream, did the gaps in their ranks become exposed.

They paused in sadness and thankfulness to add their tears to the stream below.

As they drank in the peace and beauty of the land they had fought and died to preserve whilst far away in foreign lands.

Before tightening their pack straps and adjusting their caps, to march with pride to the welcome long yearned for here at home.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo by: © Jane Risdon (Author)

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