Mar 17, 2024



Some of my Facebook friends, and Facebook itself, seem to have noticed a lapse in my regular postings. I have been struggling with a damaged left shoulder, and negotiating my way through the NHS to surgery and recovery at SWELOC A LEADING ORTHOPAEDIC CENTRE IN SURREY.

The biggest hindrance has been trying to dodge the pesky bugs both among staff and myself. How they manage to chop and change appointments all the time, to keep the bed spaces full and rotating, is nothing short of miraculous.

I have been treated with the utmost, surgical care and support, and am improving rapidly with the paced supervision of a physiotherapist.

My other injury is too dangerous to operate on, so I am working out the best way to manage it and carry on doing what I want to do as comfortably as possible.

I booked myself into THE RUSTINGTON CONVALESCENT HOME IN SUSSEX by the sea. A wonderful experience allowing me every opportunity to recover. Assisted with physiotherapy, excellent food, nursing reassurance, companionship, exercise, music and lots of that magical healing ingredient laughter.

Sadly this is not a free NHS service. It is not available generally to patients, some of whom I think could benefit from its gentle encouraging first week or few days of post-operative adjustment, especially for those who live alone.

We used to have quite a few dotted around the country, but sadly no more.

Now safely back home with my young man, I am writing again.

My love and understanding to all those of you struggling either, waiting for an operation or recovering from one. Patience is a word I will share with everyone, as we wait for your turn to come around.

Spread a little kindness and smiles while you can.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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