Aug 30, 2024



Hop off, not hop in!

Take off and fly away.

We do not want you in here to stay.

You do not follow any rules, you fly straight at us.

Making us duck to dodge a hit or miss a messy tangle in our hair.

Even worse, take a jump up to our shorts!


Get off me, off now, for goodness sake!

You seem to have some intelligence, as you avoid the traps we make specially for you.

You are a Grasshopper - an Orchid lover.

Yet not one Orchid graces our home, you arrived as a stowaway and stayed.

So up, up and away you go.

Not that way!

Oh my, look!!!

You are slowly shedding your skin!!

Leaving it hanging where the wall meets the ceiling.

A perfect replica to show where you have been, an amazing gift as a reminder left behind, when I captured you and set you free!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 27, 2024



An old saying, at times so very true. It is certainly pouring on me at the moment. 

It seems never-ending, all-consuming, with elements of pain, physical and mental.

You wonder: what next? 

There is often more before the end is in sight. It appears as though there is a reluctance for anything to return to normal, whatever normal is…

Oh, normality is there; it is just difficult to tackle at first. If you can, as a first step, spread all your concerns onto the table and list them numerically.

Looking closely, as I am doing at the moment, place them in order of importance. Brutal honesty has to be used in some instances.

I am carefully pondering them to see if I can do anything to make a difference with each one. Put the ones you know you can change on a separate list.

I am hoping that by reducing the long list to a manageable size things will change. In fact, some have moved already.

Later on, I will look at the ones I had difficulty with, on the remaining list.

I am sure, by then, they will be ready in a very different light to move away, restoring me to the person I usually am.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Aug 23, 2024



He stood like a scarecrow. Yet, it was alive, with bits that spoke of pure elegance, of dance.

With little fluid movement balanced, with one leg rooted to the ground.

Arms outstretched in gestures, seen in a professional dancer's routine.

Yet it is nature, that has provided the cactus with it's name, "The Dancing Cactus."

Where winds have blown bits off and rejoined, trailing scarf-like attachment trails and sways almost to the ground.

Once attached there, all movement might cease, and the dancing will have ended.

I was privileged to see and record, perhaps it's last performance of all time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 22, 2024



Storytelling is so vital to human beings large and small.

We love listening to them when we are small, and delight in reading them to others as we grow.

They stir our imagination to learn and read with fun more and more.

As we age, we seek tales and connections to our past, to add our stories too to make them last and last.

Enjoy the search for stories long and short, so you will always remember the thrill of reading them for the very first time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 21, 2024



Still, the heart as we depart.

You start to sorrowfully mourn.

Through tears, the questions flow.

Why you, why now this year.

It’s not fair, words so often uttered.

Is there a better time?

How and when would we choose?

Thankfully that choice is not ours.

It is left in safer hands than yours or mine.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Skin no matter what colour just protects the functional elements in a tight hold. 

It is the heart and spirit which shares the goodness for others to find.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Who needs a listener if you can safely talk away to yourself? 

In the shower, you can release feelings held in for hours. 

What did she say again today, that made anger bubble up? 

I had to walk away to stop the words I really wanted to say. 

At times it is much better that way. 

Here my thoughts can be expressed, you are the perfect silent listener. 

I felt my anger, and dirt wash away down the plughole with no resistance. 

Refreshed and dressed I can return and express regret at words I once uttered. 

Saying sorry is a word that is difficult to say, but really meant. 

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 20, 2024



Well, this half of this journey has been fairly uneventful so far. A few things to amuse, one with serious consequences.

My husband drew my attention to the marvellous amount of legroom at the beginning of the economy section. I laughed to myself, then whispered back I thought you had to be fit to sit near the emergency exits. 

That gentleman does not look fit enough to do a heroic life-saving leap and twist to open the door. To speedily empty the plane. He was rather portly and snugly attached to his seat, with the added encumbrance of a neck brace. Glad we were in another section of the plane and hoping no one would need to put his prowess to the test.

Talking to two very tall Kiwis in a lounge in Hong Kong, sharing this story with them. One of them laughed saying, 'It is very cold by the doors, we have to wear double socks when we sit there.' So watch out what looks inviting might not be all that comfortable.

We were on a new aircraft, which had a few peculiarities that baffled even frequent flyers. I fought to put my headphone connection into the socket in my chair, to no avail. On closer inspection discovered one of it's prongs was bent at an odd angle, making it useless.

The first toilet stop, once we were airborne was uneventful. Not so the next. My husband and I paraded to the toilet section together. Helpful as I was unsteady on my feet at times and did not want to fall into someone's lap in an ungainly heap. There was a queue as one toilet was out of action. When I finally entered the seat was very wet, as was the floor with it's decoration of bits of discarded toilet paper.

Empty cardboard toilet rolls, stood upright, trying to make up for the lack of paper. Thank goodness I had a cold and had tissues stuffed up my sleeves. The final indignity, as I washed my hands, was there were no paper towels, and the dirty water was reluctant to leave the bowl.

As I moved back to my seat I warned my husband and gave him a tissue. I accosted the first stewardess I met and rattled off all the missing items, necessary for an essential service on an aircraft, especially long distance.

Our eight-hour stay in the lounge in Hong Kong was very pleasant, we particularly enjoyed our noodles in the noodle bar. Between people watching, sipping coffee and tea, with the odd snooze, the 8-hour stopover was managed very well.

Until I went to use the facilities successfully and brushed my teeth. I had one of those very handy travelling fold-up toothbrushes in a plastic case. 

Once extended for use it refused to retract back into it's case. I pulled and struggled with it to the amusement of others in the facility. Finally, it gave in! I have concluded, I could keep a film crew fully occupied for most of the week with things happening to us.

Just about to start the next leg of our journey, watch this space. Again it all went well till after mealtime when I was given an extra glass of iced Coke.

I took two sips and then, fell asleep rudely awoken by the ice-cold fluid everywhere. It helped my shingles and not much else. What a mess!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 19, 2024



I sit to watch you trickling in, gently lapping over everything.

Feet covered by the ebb and flow of gentle caress.

A step back, if that is all you wish to accept.

A great splash of more boisterous fun is their request, until ankle-deep into the sand you sink.

When your pull is reversed, sadly it is time to go.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 18, 2024



There was a clever dog called Murphy.

Who when new people moved into the property next to his family, he made it his business to get acquainted. 

He grew to like them and made up his mind to guard them, as he did his own family and the family that use live next door.

One day when the door was open he slipped in and took his regular spot lying in front of their Aga.

When his master came to collect him he refused to move.

‘Why won't he move?’ The new neighbour asked.

You have not given him his three biscuits; it always does it for me!

It is his wages for being such an excellent guard dog.

So the new neighbour laughs and paid up, starting a long friendship with Murphy.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

Aug 17, 2024



I’m Bored!

There is no one to play with.

No one to call.

No one to share funny conversations with over the wall.

No one to come visiting me at all.

I am Bored, really bored!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 16, 2024



The sun is out they have set me free, with a new baby beside me.

Together we walked out fearfully slow, gathering pace till we turned it into a frolic.


A joy, fresh crushed green grass tickling our feet, with a sniff of water wafting through.

Come on lass let’s trot, for a tour of our home.

When we stop please have a drink of my milk.

It’s there just for you, enough for two.

I will graze quite hard to replace our food.

Once full let’s settle together under a tree, for a safe snooze, knowing now you belong to me.

Mooooo, munch, grind, munch, moooo!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 13, 2024



Mirror, mirror on the wall!

I am not the most beautiful of all.

But beneath this skin I wait to reveal

The researching person residing within.

It is not beauty I seek, just knowledge so fine.

To reveal for others to keep.

The world in its shape for a very long time.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 12, 2024



We switched off the lights, turned to look towards the calm sea.

The moon lit up the night sky, bathing the sea in shimmering silver.

Picking out the red and green navigational lights, like sparkling jewels nestled on the water.

It was breathtaking.

It was one of those special moments, I just wanted to share with you.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 11, 2024



Would you like a story?

Would you like a tale?

One filled with terror, murder and mystery?

Or maybe one dodging bomb blasts and bullets, across a country at war?

Perhaps a sweet little fairy tale, to gently take you away from it all?

Maybe you would love the thrill of a romance that sweeps you into someone’s arms,

Embracing in the moonlight, on a ship’s deck, engines pulsating gently beneath your feet.

Or how about a journey across an immense desert, swaying on a camel’s back, with stars twinkling in the darkness as companions overhead, shining light from millions of miles away, lighting up the canopy in a most spectacular way?

Or would you like to meet an animal never seen before, who does not want to hurt or eat you, just love you forever more?

Each one of these is possible, lying tucked up in your bed.

With a book in hand, written by a writer with an imagination, capable of leaving the gift of wonderful stories, to be relieved again and again inside your head.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 10, 2024



Hello Mrs. Snail!

I know you are hiding, In that excruciatingly expensive little plant.

It is a shame you can't see it, but you have left behind a simply super slimy trail, your very distinctive calling card.

Can we make a pact that you resist that little plant, because in roughly ten more munches.

Those tiny delicate bunches of leaves won't be there?

Why can't you take a fancy to the rotten old weeds, 

Which scatter their seeds everywhere and munch their flavours to the full?

We would work together and I would not start to see red and give you the old heave-ho every time, 

I see your slimy, silvery, trail shining in the dark.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Daniela Silvia Serban



I admire what I do not see, little fish swimming in on the gentle lapping tide. Seeking the tasty morsels that heat has caused to rise.

Enjoying a banquet now laid bare, before being dragged back to a deeper depth. To be wary and dodge becoming someone else’s tasty dish.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 9, 2024



Arising early,

Sitting in the half-light,

Grasping a warming mug of tea.

Straining to hear,

A blackbird’s welcoming dawn song.

Approaching nearer and nearer,

Sitting on the fence,

Singing especially for me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 8, 2024



I awoke with a feeling things were not going to go quite right today. There was no need to feel that way, as going to bed held no hint of trouble at all. This was no time to linger, just time to get up and dress to prepare for what lay ahead. The house awoke in good order, yet this feeling I could not shake.

Suddenly, it began: feelings linked to a conversation from the day before, when I was challenged about the value and quality of my friendships. Should friends be perfect or flawed? Should we build a tolerance to stay friends at all?

A friend had asked me, “Do you have any normal friends?” It shocked me. My friends are my friends; if cruelty or lack of kindness crept in, a review would be needed for sure. If severe enough, they would be politely shown the door.

I looked up and said, “If you are an example, take a look in the mirror, because your life is certainly not normal. Yet you are one of my best and most valued friends, warts and all.”

A moment of stunned silence, as the words swung between us. With a twitch of the lips, grins, giggles, and laughter expanded, before she said, “You have made a good point there. In parts, I am a bit of a mess and, thinking about it, some of my other friends are, too. Yet we share the bad and good; we muddle along and still, our friendships hold.”

I said, “If our friendships were all perfect, how boring it would be, as there would be very little to say or do. The strength of friendship is shown in troubled and complicated times when we help one another. It is also there to join in and celebrate the joyous times because that is what good friends do.”

Time and distance do not break the ties; even in death, we remain true, retaining the memories of the wonderful times we shared, and telling others of them, too. I will always be glad for the friendship we shared through thick and thin, where perfection or normality rarely crept in.

With that conversation settled in my mind, a good mood arrived.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 7, 2024



Oh, to be at the beach today, very early when no one is about.

To walk along the water's edge with feet being chilled and caressed by saltwater drenching and movement of sand.

Releasing trapped problems to be in the moment to privately be in touch with your inner self.

With a breeze strong enough to caress thought changes, seagulls' challenging voices encourage you on.

Oh, there is nothing quite like a sea-edge stroll, to make you feel invigorated and to strengthen the soul.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 6, 2024



I sat on the beach, with the warming blush of pink from the sunset, changing the colour of my skin.

As my mind ranged in wonder at the change within.

I reduced my breathing slowly, allowing anxiety to slip away.

I did not want to retain it. I had had quite enough for one day.

The beauty parading before me released feelings, I had kept desperately hidden inside.

Now, cleansed by the ocean’s whispering ebb and flow, diminishing and whisking them into the approaching night sky.

The brush of a breeze, soft and gentle, lifted damp strands of hair.

As the sounds of life, all about me inched their way in.

How glad I am to have sat bathed in the sunset of the dying day.

Making me more human before stepping confidently away.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 5, 2024



On my lap, over time, have lain in mutual contentment babies, three, gurgling and playing games with me.

Cats in distress, five, have sought long, safe moments of rest, ’til safely rehomed.

The cat who wishes to be mine still climbs aboard to be patted and praised, with rolls of purrs my comforting reward.

Dogs, three, have fidgeted and wriggled ’til able to curl there, too.

Not to be outdone, our lovely bird, when chattering at the TV, used to perch on the top of my knee and peck my skirt’s hem. 

Those moments, so precious, recently came flooding back when I sat with an empty lap and no one sitting on me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen




My mother sat down, when pressured by family members at a party, to play the piano. 

After grumblings and hesitation, she asked, “What would you like me to play?” 

The request was for a modern popular tune of the time. To my amazement, the melody rang out in perfection, with no sheet music. Several other requests followed.

In all my sixteen years, at that time, I had no knowledge or experience of my mother playing the piano. I knew she used to play the violin and ukulele, though I had never heard her play them either.

She never gave us an explanation for not sharing such a gift with us. A shame, as my sister and I loved music, and we loved her dearly. As far as I know, she never touched a piano again.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Michael Effendy on Unsplash

Aug 2, 2024



Walking along the seashore, dodging the waves that rush in.

Snatching a piece of seaweed, I have been told it tastes divine.

Peering into pools of entrapment, looking to see who is waiting for the next tide, to rescue them with a swish and a splash.

Pebbles when wet, can be revealed as real beauties, till they are exposed and dried by the air.

They need frequent seawashing to keep, the colours that won’t cloud or fade.

When throwing stones to skim the water, the angle you use has to be just right.

If you have an eye for decoration, driftwood and shells are there.

Providing a temptation to make something colourful and bright, to cheer up a dark, cold, stormy night.

Walking the seashore is a delight!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License