Aug 6, 2024



I sat on the beach, with the warming blush of pink from the sunset, changing the colour of my skin.

As my mind ranged in wonder at the change within.

I reduced my breathing slowly, allowing anxiety to slip away.

I did not want to retain it. I had had quite enough for one day.

The beauty parading before me released feelings, I had kept desperately hidden inside.

Now, cleansed by the ocean’s whispering ebb and flow, diminishing and whisking them into the approaching night sky.

The brush of a breeze, soft and gentle, lifted damp strands of hair.

As the sounds of life, all about me inched their way in.

How glad I am to have sat bathed in the sunset of the dying day.

Making me more human before stepping confidently away.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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