Aug 27, 2024



An old saying, at times so very true. It is certainly pouring on me at the moment. 

It seems never-ending, all-consuming, with elements of pain, physical and mental.

You wonder: what next? 

There is often more before the end is in sight. It appears as though there is a reluctance for anything to return to normal, whatever normal is…

Oh, normality is there; it is just difficult to tackle at first. If you can, as a first step, spread all your concerns onto the table and list them numerically.

Looking closely, as I am doing at the moment, place them in order of importance. Brutal honesty has to be used in some instances.

I am carefully pondering them to see if I can do anything to make a difference with each one. Put the ones you know you can change on a separate list.

I am hoping that by reducing the long list to a manageable size things will change. In fact, some have moved already.

Later on, I will look at the ones I had difficulty with, on the remaining list.

I am sure, by then, they will be ready in a very different light to move away, restoring me to the person I usually am.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

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