Aug 11, 2024



Would you like a story?

Would you like a tale?

One filled with terror, murder and mystery?

Or maybe one dodging bomb blasts and bullets, across a country at war?

Perhaps a sweet little fairy tale, to gently take you away from it all?

Maybe you would love the thrill of a romance that sweeps you into someone’s arms,

Embracing in the moonlight, on a ship’s deck, engines pulsating gently beneath your feet.

Or how about a journey across an immense desert, swaying on a camel’s back, with stars twinkling in the darkness as companions overhead, shining light from millions of miles away, lighting up the canopy in a most spectacular way?

Or would you like to meet an animal never seen before, who does not want to hurt or eat you, just love you forever more?

Each one of these is possible, lying tucked up in your bed.

With a book in hand, written by a writer with an imagination, capable of leaving the gift of wonderful stories, to be relieved again and again inside your head.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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