Aug 2, 2024



Walking along the seashore, dodging the waves that rush in.

Snatching a piece of seaweed, I have been told it tastes divine.

Peering into pools of entrapment, looking to see who is waiting for the next tide, to rescue them with a swish and a splash.

Pebbles when wet, can be revealed as real beauties, till they are exposed and dried by the air.

They need frequent seawashing to keep, the colours that won’t cloud or fade.

When throwing stones to skim the water, the angle you use has to be just right.

If you have an eye for decoration, driftwood and shells are there.

Providing a temptation to make something colourful and bright, to cheer up a dark, cold, stormy night.

Walking the seashore is a delight!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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