Aug 18, 2024



There was a clever dog called Murphy.

Who when new people moved into the property next to his family, he made it his business to get acquainted. 

He grew to like them and made up his mind to guard them, as he did his own family and the family that use live next door.

One day when the door was open he slipped in and took his regular spot lying in front of their Aga.

When his master came to collect him he refused to move.

‘Why won't he move?’ The new neighbour asked.

You have not given him his three biscuits; it always does it for me!

It is his wages for being such an excellent guard dog.

So the new neighbour laughs and paid up, starting a long friendship with Murphy.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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