Aug 30, 2024



Hop off, not hop in!

Take off and fly away.

We do not want you in here to stay.

You do not follow any rules, you fly straight at us.

Making us duck to dodge a hit or miss a messy tangle in our hair.

Even worse, take a jump up to our shorts!


Get off me, off now, for goodness sake!

You seem to have some intelligence, as you avoid the traps we make specially for you.

You are a Grasshopper - an Orchid lover.

Yet not one Orchid graces our home, you arrived as a stowaway and stayed.

So up, up and away you go.

Not that way!

Oh my, look!!!

You are slowly shedding your skin!!

Leaving it hanging where the wall meets the ceiling.

A perfect replica to show where you have been, an amazing gift as a reminder left behind, when I captured you and set you free!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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