Nov 28, 2023



My thoughts are like those of millions of other people around the world today: asking WHY? 

Why have we, the species called human beings, failed so miserably to live amicably with one another? Why do we follow the few hate-filled rabble-rousers into the destruction of families, homes, lands, animals and the environment? Why, when they are so few and we, the peace lovers and seekers, are so many, do we let them? 

The vast majority of the world’s population just wants a peaceful life, to live decently, have a roof over their heads, food in the cupboard and employment to provide the necessities of life; to partner up or marry and have children to love and cherish, and to help educate the next, we hope, better generation. Why can’t we work together in friendship, using the cerebral capacity that we have to help one another share new ventures to improve our world and its diversity? There are so many good and important things yet to discover. 

Our way forward has to be getting to know our families, our friends and strangers more closely, building trust and hope, extending our reach to our countrymen and women, and then to other world communities, encouraging change for good and supporting those less able. Yes, this may be a big ask, and requires our active support but, if we do not start trying, the result will be the disasters we are experiencing in many places today, with the same old triggers urging us to the cliff face and destruction yet again. 

Peace has to be worked at steadily and collectively; it is the wish of the majority of the human beings in this world of ours, even those who have been silenced. I would like my next question to be: when will our small, growing efforts bring peace into the majority of our world? The answer is: soon; it is taking hold. That is my wish for today. Is it yours? 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 27, 2023



The feeling of excitement as the last days of November slip away, and winter takes a grip from now on. As we work our way to the Christmas holidays for those at school. Extra clothing for those who are walking out and about, thin layers are best one on top of the other if you can.

Everyone this year will be taking extra steps to save money as best they can to pay for some extra bills. 

It might be helpful to research in the library for ways to help keep warm and eat healthily. Hot water bottles well covered might make a comeback, they certainly are a comfort to me.

Homemade soups are very sustaining and warming. Switch off plugs and gadgets you are not using. Play board games, cards and jigsaws instead if you are warm enough. You might find the companionship of winter evenings draws you closer to those you love.

Time to plan what you might want to do for your family Christmas. Time to put up a Christmas tree, to bring in cheer and goodwill into the home. We are going to bring ours down from the loft, to decorate it with love remembered from years gone by. When tying on baubles given by family members and friends now gone. So many memories good ones for us, are revived when dressing the  Christmas Tree.

Take care, love one another, and share where you can.

From Penny Wobbly and the WobblingPen team.

Nov 26, 2023



Sitting pondering a list of things I have to do. A list growing longer by the day. Consigned to urgent, can wait, can’t do.

Perusing them once more, knowing I do not have much time, I make an almost clinical decision, to attack the urgent and investigate the can’t do.

Clearing the urgent frees up space, so my mind can concentrate on what I can’t do. On closer inspection, they are not as difficult as they seem.

Slowly, my list grows shorter, as obstacles of time and exhaustion are soothed away. Some are placed comfortably into the pigeonhole and can wait, Removing that weight called guilt as I carry on through my day.

Later, with more pondering, and less stress, I tackle the can wait.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 25, 2023

Persistant Callers



When the call came, they had no say; a war horse they became. 

From their pastures calm, they were transported to a foreign land. 

Where their daily toil was hard; through burning sun, freezing weather, and mud, with death hovering, they plodded on.

Screaming, destructive shells and bullets killing them and their handlers, too. 

They did not understand what they had done to deserve the terror, pain and a miserable end. 

They knew they were safe and worked away while their rider survived, too, clinging on to their cherished memories of home to keep them both sane. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 23, 2023



My man did not arrive, a man in shining armour, with a gun at his side and body protection. He came in rubber gloves and a kitchen apron, with love in his heart for me. Yet a man of steel he surely is when giving us family protection. 

His wish, as is mine and that of many others, is to live in peace, to collectively expand new ideas for food growth, education, employment, housing and health; not to buy items for millions of pounds, to be hidden in vaults or hung on selected walls in empty houses. Pounds in circulation could restore many of the ails we see afflicting the world. 

My man of steel does his best to help his neighbours as he does me. Thankfully, there are many men of steel striving to keep the peace and their neighbours safe, and helping the rest to live normal lives most of the time. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 22, 2023

Why Cant Birds Wear Crash Helmets



Carers carry a heavy burden, not always visible as they age. 

What will happen to those I have cared for when I am gone? 

They will not be loved or treated as well as I have in all the years past. 

All the tears I have wiped away, theirs and mine, 

Soothing them through painful, anxious times. 

Finding special foods or things to make trigger laughter 

And thus smiles appear and shine. 

Will others take ove , cherish, support and love

This oh, so precious child of mine? 

As I give my final goodbye and kiss, 

Before slipping into another time. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 21, 2023



Let the weary mind close down, giving you real resting, till it is waking up time.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



A word rarely heard.

Now uttered with regularity.


You have to be seen to be clean.

Bank accounts and share dealing,

Need to show no doggy creaming.

No island hopping, money laundering.,

To places, Governments can't go retrieving.


Who and what you are is scrutinized,

No matter where you go.

Birth Certificates, Passports, Credit Cards, Health Numbers,

Nail you wherever you may be.

You can't escape the long arm of the Law,

And Transparency.

Each drop of water, a spark of light,

Telephone natter or computer clatter,

Leaves a paper trail to follow.

Remember the devil hides in the details,

Make sure you are squeaky clean,

When Transparency is asked of you!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Starving Starling

Nov 20, 2023



Each new life has a path to follow, to take them day by day into tomorrow. 

All we hope is that the path is straight, with pleasant stops and caring people to share their lives with.

Beautiful; just wish all children had the chance of a good start. 

It makes such a difference.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Having to assume the mantle of the main carer for another human being, and on occasion for a group or family, arrives with no training and sometimes no warning. There is quite often a lack of health and safety assessments. Everything is done at speed and it is still seen as a woman’s task, though some fantastic men are embracing the role now. 

Messages flash! ‘How am I/you/we going to manage?’ is the first response. ‘I/you/we will just have to manage somehow. They cannot be left as they are.’ 

Immense mental struggle, anxiety and guilt take place, no matter what your age or your relationship with the person you are going to care for. Carers always feel so guilty about verbalising these feelings, yet they are very natural and commonly experienced. There is nearly always the question at some time, however briefly thought, ‘What about my/our life? Everything is going to change, perhaps forever.’ It is often a guilt-ridden utterance, yet should not be. 

Sometimes, the person to be cared for is someone you have little love for, or have had a difficult relationship with, or hardly know. Yet you take on the role. Family and friends will offer well-meaning support which, in long-term caring, can dwindle to isolation over time. In other situations, a family and communities work together to help one person or family and raise funds and awareness to support others in similar situations. In some instances and cultures, whole families share caring for family members and friends: wonderful to see. 

In every country, there are those needing care who are abandoned onto the street to fend for their own survival. Many, sadly, have unresolved mental health issues. In the United Kingdom, there are quite a few charities you can approach for vital information, and to help you through the questions you must answer, assisting you to connect with the relevant Government agency with the tools to help you receive all the help you so rightly deserve. Without carers, be they family, friends, or employed by the disabled person, about 700,000 people would have to be cared for in Government homes and be treated as a number. 

We must not forget the number of young carers providing care for a parent as well as siblings: a terrible burden for a young person trying to study and go to school, with the added load of shopping, cooking and housework. They deserve a childhood of fun, appreciation and support. The sad part is that many of them think this is how all families live. They do it with love and anxiety for the person or family they belong to. 

Do you know a carer struggling in your neighbourhood to manage a care situation? Could you spend some time listening and giving some support to them? Fairy godmothers and godfathers are so needed today.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 18, 2023



Hang on tight to the good memories, as you say goodbye for now.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Nov 15, 2023



I Wobble to the left!

I Wobble to the right!

I grab hold of a chair.,

To keep upright.

I Wobble to the front!

I Wobble to the back!

I grab an arm,

And hold on tight.

I have been to the Doctor,

He has given me a pill.

So in a day or two,

I hope to be safe and fully upright!

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Nov 13, 2023



My heart leaps to kindness and is born to kindness in return.

Never brush kindness away, even if you feel you do not deserve it.

Just pass it on!

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



Kindness when unexpected,

Can light up an individual,

And remain for a lifetime.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Nov 2, 2023



Jumping Jack the goldfish lives in my fish pond!

He is golden and sleek with a swift turn of speed.

When I turn my water pump on,

The water starts gushing and bubbling out,

He is there in a flash, splashing, leaping and rushing about.

Up in the air at times he hangs, for a second suspended,

Then down with a splash into the dark depths,

Quickly vanishing, his great jumps ended.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay