Nov 26, 2023



Sitting pondering a list of things I have to do. A list growing longer by the day. Consigned to urgent, can wait, can’t do.

Perusing them once more, knowing I do not have much time, I make an almost clinical decision, to attack the urgent and investigate the can’t do.

Clearing the urgent frees up space, so my mind can concentrate on what I can’t do. On closer inspection, they are not as difficult as they seem.

Slowly, my list grows shorter, as obstacles of time and exhaustion are soothed away. Some are placed comfortably into the pigeonhole and can wait, Removing that weight called guilt as I carry on through my day.

Later, with more pondering, and less stress, I tackle the can wait.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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