Nov 23, 2023



My man did not arrive, a man in shining armour, with a gun at his side and body protection. He came in rubber gloves and a kitchen apron, with love in his heart for me. Yet a man of steel he surely is when giving us family protection. 

His wish, as is mine and that of many others, is to live in peace, to collectively expand new ideas for food growth, education, employment, housing and health; not to buy items for millions of pounds, to be hidden in vaults or hung on selected walls in empty houses. Pounds in circulation could restore many of the ails we see afflicting the world. 

My man of steel does his best to help his neighbours as he does me. Thankfully, there are many men of steel striving to keep the peace and their neighbours safe, and helping the rest to live normal lives most of the time. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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