Nov 28, 2023



My thoughts are like those of millions of other people around the world today: asking WHY? 

Why have we, the species called human beings, failed so miserably to live amicably with one another? Why do we follow the few hate-filled rabble-rousers into the destruction of families, homes, lands, animals and the environment? Why, when they are so few and we, the peace lovers and seekers, are so many, do we let them? 

The vast majority of the world’s population just wants a peaceful life, to live decently, have a roof over their heads, food in the cupboard and employment to provide the necessities of life; to partner up or marry and have children to love and cherish, and to help educate the next, we hope, better generation. Why can’t we work together in friendship, using the cerebral capacity that we have to help one another share new ventures to improve our world and its diversity? There are so many good and important things yet to discover. 

Our way forward has to be getting to know our families, our friends and strangers more closely, building trust and hope, extending our reach to our countrymen and women, and then to other world communities, encouraging change for good and supporting those less able. Yes, this may be a big ask, and requires our active support but, if we do not start trying, the result will be the disasters we are experiencing in many places today, with the same old triggers urging us to the cliff face and destruction yet again. 

Peace has to be worked at steadily and collectively; it is the wish of the majority of the human beings in this world of ours, even those who have been silenced. I would like my next question to be: when will our small, growing efforts bring peace into the majority of our world? The answer is: soon; it is taking hold. That is my wish for today. Is it yours? 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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