Oct 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!




The other evening, just before going in for supper, Primrose and I went out to play in the moonlight at the bottom of the garden. 

We rummaged around in our old garden shed, looking for something interesting to have fun with. Tucked away in a corner was an old-fashioned broom made from twigs and thatch, and with a stout handle. 

We dragged it outside and started sweeping the yard. As fast as we swept the leaves into heaps, they moved off and jived around in circles, being sucked up into the air. 

Each time we stopped sweeping, they collapsed back to lie flat on the ground. Something strange was going on. We both took a good look at the broom. 

Sable, our black cat, appeared and said, “You had better be careful of that.” 

How come she was talking? She never had before. 

We both had a hold of the broom and suddenly we were flying, hanging on for dear life. 

Sable had hopped on, too. “I better come along just to make sure you are both ok. Climb aboard for the flight of your life.” 

At first, we flew in a straight line, giving us time to get used to our adventure, flying silently through the by-now-dark sky. 

Looking down, we could see the street lights shining brightly and some of the houses in the neighbourhood all lit up. 

We could see our house; thank goodness it was not time to go in, or Mum and Dad would be wondering where we were. 

Sable sensed our anxiety and said, “They will never know about this adventure.” 

I tapped Primrose on the shoulder, “Sable is talking again; it’s almost unbelievable.” 

“But she is, I can hear her, too,” she whispered back. 

“We will have to treat her with more respect in future.” 

At that moment, we took off at an incredible speed, swooping up and down. 

Once we got the hang of it, we laughed out loud; it was a fantastic ride. 

Then we slowed and levelled off over a very dark wood with just a light or two showing. 

Suddenly, there was a fluttering of wings and a big owl joined us on the broom. 

“You won’t mind me having a rest for a while, will you? It looks as though we are going to have a busy night. Don’t look so surprised. I have been keeping a watchful eye on both of you as you have been growing up. The Woodland Committee thought you could be trusted with a night-time adventure. This was just the right time, as the witches are so busy at Halloween.” 

Primrose and I wondered what would happen next as we hung onto the broom. 

We suddenly dropped and started screaming, “We are going to crash, we are going to crash.” 

“No you’re not,” said Sable calmly. 

“Enjoy the ride.” 

We levelled off again and Mr Owl called out, “Just be ready to duck; now!” 

We flew into a tunnel and disturbed a colony of bats who protested in high-pitched squeaks. 

Two landed on the broom, thanking Mr Owl for the wake-up call. 

“It was very stormy today and we had a lie-in before going to work. We better start or we will be in trouble when the witch gets back.” 

As they flew off, there was a loud, scary, squawking noise, with flapping of wings, as a big crow landed and gave us the once over. 

“How do you like the world from here?” 

They just did not know what to say: a crow talking! It was almost too much for them. 

The crow said, “Remember this night when you went on a fabulous flight meeting some of the creatures of the night. Then, when you are grown, you can tell this story at Halloween to a family of your own.” 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 30, 2023



I am a cat,

Who has lost my witch!

We were flying along, 

When we hit a crow that came too close.

I was tossed off, 

Flew through the air,

Hit a haystack and tumbled into a ditch.

Oh dear oh wow where did she go?

I lost sight of her, 

I just don’t know.

If you see a witch,

Without her cat tell her

I am waiting at the haystack.

The one she just managed,

To clear by a whisker.

Tell her to hurry, 

As I am scared and miss her.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



What is that flying past the window at the beginning of the night? 

It is the gathering of things called bats, preparing to go on a hunt. 

Look: there is one, now another, swooping up and down. 

They pass at speed, missing each other by a cat’s whisker, grabbing moths and other insects fluttering by. 

They keep me amused for hours with their fly-pasts in the dark. 

Humans tell tales of their antics in the past, tied up with spiders, ghosts, witches and broomsticks. 

Somewhere along the line, decorated pumpkins have been added to this very scary time. 

Nowadays, things called sparklers and fireworks have been included to frighten me even more. 

So, on the nights of Halloween, as a dog, I keep myself safely tucked out of the way indoors, until the humans finish this time of hair-raising madness. 

Then the bats and I can recover until the next Halloween in a year’s time. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 29, 2023



It is that time again when a strangeness takes over our neighbourhood.

The family start wearing all-over black and becomes secretive.

Practising blood-curdling threats, so scary I can’t repeat them even if I could.

I am a cat, a black and white cat, I am very glad of that.

In years gone by black cats had a terrible time, and knew to hide well at Halloween time.

Even today some people seek black cats to take part in their act as witches with broomsticks.

Just leave us alone somewhere at home safe and secure, away from scary humans.

I can’t see what they see in all this rushing around, scaring everyone they happen to find.

Yet some call it fun and seem to have a great time.

Not me, wake me when it is over please, I will stay asleep in the meantime.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 28, 2023



Shivers in my knees when the crows start their scary nighttime crowing.

I head home as fast as I can through the mist lightly clinging.

Ahead I see a lantern glowing, I hope it is my Dad coming to find me.

Too wit to woo Mr Owl is calling to reassure me not to be scared, as he is there to protect me from all the scary things of Halloween nights.

I hurried forward to meet my dad who gave me such a scare.

As he was dressed in a white sheet and black holes for eyes, pretending to be a ghost, I screamed I was terrified.

Till he pulled it off and said I am sorry it was only a bit of fun.

Come home with me now and join in the Halloween party with everyone.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 27, 2023



I was given a spell to use on a person, I knew very well.

It would amuse me to see them to hiccough nine times or ten.

It would only last two hours before fading away.

The only word to stop it in between would be Halloween.

It started OK, but the word kept slipping away.

I tried to help to say what day is it today.

If you say this word the spell will fade.

What day is it today?

It is Friday,

Which was the most frequent reply.

It was true too, but it would not do.

The spell was another word,

Try again what day is it today?

Finally in between hiccoughs loudly explosions. 

The word was heard Halloween.

The spell was at last broken.

It was fun to see them return to normal this Halloween day.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 26, 2023



Halloween, that creepy time, is slowly approaching, 

When ordinary things change and become a bit scary. 

The doorbell needs answering. 

Who is there? Who is there? 

You go; you are bigger than me and know what to say. 

As this is my first grown-up Halloween day. 

I will watch from here and then I will know what to do. 

The door opens a crack to expose lots of scary faces in black looking back. 

Oh, this is so spooky! 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 25, 2023



Halloween scares are not where you think they might be.

Some you carry about with you.

Make sure your shoelaces are tied up when you run in the dark. 

Switch your torch on lighting the path ahead of you or you will go down a rabbit's warren and you might lose a shoe.

Wave your broomstick or wand ahead to break the spiders webbs or they will stick to you.


Keep your hat on and hair tucked away, so Bats won’t land and become tangled unable to flit away.

Be prepared for owls to hoot at you too, as they are out hunting food, not having fun like you.

Fireworks thrown too near can hurt, they should not be part of a game.

Leave them for parents to carefully arrange.

Make sure you have enough treats to balance the tricks or else you might lose a friend.

Not the way Halloween is meant to end.

Once the witching hour is past go home to lovely food to break your fast, gathering family and friends to relate all the scary parts of your Halloween.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 24, 2023



Looking out the window and peering into the dark, wondering when all the ghosts and ghoulies were going to start. 

Bats stretch their wings ready to fly about swooping, just missing you. 

Spiders prepare their largest webs to catch the unwary as they pass by. 

Mice scamper past the pumpkins sitting there with eyes so scary, pausing, when brave enough, for a nibble. 

That’s if they manage to bite through the tough skin to taste the yellow gold inside. 

Baskets of delicious treats and nasty tricks are being prepared; soon it will be time. 

The witching hour is near: to dress up as ghosts or witches carrying magic entwined in our brooms; ready to go out into the darkest night with torches to show the way. 

I hope all black cats are tucked safely away, as we do not want harm to come to them during this Halloween night scare. 

Take care when out this ghostly night, and have your parents close by as you knock on doors to trick and treat. If you become too scared, go back and tell them why. 

They will tell you tales of when they were young and enjoyed Halloween’s scary fun. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 23, 2023



Knock, knock!

Trick or Treat!

As dusk begins to fall darkness settles.

The spiders and the bats start creeping in.

Witches shake their magic capes ready to deal,

With 'Trick or Treats.'

The broomsticks twist about ready for flight in the air.

Skeletons unfolding their bones to rattle everywhere.

Once they get together they will,

Dance and scare the night away.

If you are children you will be asked to trick or treat,

Knocking on doors!

Take care and do not enter without a parent,

Standing near, holding your hand.

Great fun can be had on this spirit-filled night,

With pumpkin lamps and lots of delicious food.

Oooooh, Oooooh, Haaaaah.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 22, 2023



The wind is whining through the window gap.

The doorknob rattles as it is sucked forward and back.

It is a night when spirits good and bad,

Walk the streets, playing trick or treat.

Be ready for their mischievous ways,

Please do not be too scared, 

It is fun only for one night of tricks

Dress yourselves all in black, 

Drape skeleton drawings

Down your front and back.

Have spiders unreal to place in someone's hand.

Wait for squeals to escape and expand.

Solemn white faces are scary to see,

When Witches and Ghouls pop out at thee.

Bats take to the air flying free.

Flitting around chimney tops and tree to tree.

Then it is food glorious food waiting for you.

You will enjoy the tricks, treats and spells, Yahooooo!

Taking the memories back home to bed with you.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 21, 2023



Gathering my cloak tighter around in protection from damp and cold.

I step from the tavern’s door, sword sheathed neatly beside my quick right arm.

Standing for a moment silently closing the door on the companionship to be found within.

Adjusting eyes and ears to the night-time scares, with imagination competing too.

It is the season for scary times, witches screams and crazy rhymes.

Evil does take courage to search for victims amongst the unwary.

On swift feet and dodging puddles I dare not tarry, till home beckons.

With welcoming candle glow and fireside warmth I hang up my sword.

Relaxing now safe once more inside, to gather up a book of tales of much more scary times.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 20, 2023



The fox is on his way to a shrieking Halloween party, if you are scared stay at home.

The bears are out roaming because it is too hot to tuck themselves away.

They are far too hungry to hide for a long winter’s sleep without a great big meal to eat.

Mr Fox explained at Halloween parties much is left lying around.

They just have to creep in without making a sound.

If anyone should call out in fright, stand up and roar they will flee as far away as they can.

As very scary things are expected to happen on Halloween night.

So take your pick, some of the delights might stick on your fur as you make your way wearily to your comfortable winter’s den.

Once there you can taste the treats you have carried secretly home.

Before curling up tight to snore, till the new Spring knocks a wake-up call at your door.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 19, 2023



WOBBLY is ready for HALLOWEEN 

Who has put a spell on me?

Where have my legs and middle bit gone?

I hope someone knows 

How to return me to normal, 

After the witching hour.

I have far too much to do, 

To be left like this. 

Oh my!


I wonder if it was that Anna up to mischief? I wonder?

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 18, 2023



Spider, Spider!

Spin your web!

Dainty, delicate gossamer, 

Beaded dew-drop dressed,

All your glorious work, 

Layer upon layer displayed.

On days like these, 

I can see and admire where you are.

I can avoid stumbling 

Through your perimeter wire.

Miss its clinging, 

Obstructive embrace

All around my hair, 

Neck and over my face.

Oh, I am sure while it’s wet,

You'll miss a tasty meal,

Once dry, you'll remain hidden, 

Well protected from many an eye.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 17, 2023



Halloween is slowly approaching...

👻 🎃 🙀 🦇 🕷 🕸 🧡 ⚠️

Photo by Pixabay

Oct 16, 2023



Open an eye then close it again. Open the other then close it, and then open them both to see the sun shining oh so brightly.

Bouncing out of bed arranging plans in your head. Banging the door of the bathroom for privacy not very lightly.

Wriggling into your clothes short enough to, wade through the waves on the sea shore.

As we spend this precious time outdoors having fun, before winter arrives to shake the windows and batter our doors.

Keeping us locked up, oh so warm and safely indoors.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 14, 2023



When a beautiful day fades, shared memories will linger on. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 13, 2023



In comfort or in sorrow,

A pillow hugged with all your might

Changes mood and brings delight, 

Whether it be day or night. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Oct 12, 2023



I am a woman.

Call me by my name I am free

I am a woman

With a name, you can now call me.

I am a woman 

Growing proud and tall.

I am a woman

My words are now valued as important.

I am a woman

With words to help other women.

Besides which I proudly stand,

As in our part of our world, we now have a name.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 10, 2023



We are happiest doing things we love. 

The rest can be problematic at times. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 9, 2023

WobblingPen Store


Hello everyone!

We have some exciting news to share with our friends and followers. 

The logo of WobblingPen is going international with Redbubble.

Now you can have our pen on items in your office and home, for you, for children and pets.

Enjoy it!

Link here: Redbubble & WobblingPen

Oct 8, 2023



There are days when we need a bit of encouragement from others and days when we help others when they need encouragement. 

A few encouraging words can help lighten your feelings when you have a sad or difficult day.

So spreading encouragement when needed is a good thing to do.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 7, 2023



Yes, the signs are on the move of season change. 

So lap up the last rays of sun before rain dancers come out to play in earnest.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 6, 2023



The day I started as a newbie, with a class of active children looking up at me. 

The weight of responsibility, knowing this class is now mine. 

Will I be able to control them for most of the time? 

In college, it went smoothly almost every day, with a tutor to settle them down, if they decided to stray. 

Now it was just me, I will just have to see if these little darlings will abide by the rules. 

So I can be the best teacher I have always wanted to be. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 4, 2023



Going down memory lane being driven by music and loving every moment.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 3, 2023



Autumn’s advance is rather like a foxtrot this year, forward and back. One minute we drop from 29 degrees to 14, with the arrival of gales and heavy downpours of a month's worth of rain. Just as you change your summer clothes to winter. Up soars the temp to a week of 28 degrees or more.

It is easy for us, but what about the poor plants, wild animals and insects, they must be very confused. 

The farmers are having a rough time with their crops Worldwide this year. What to plant? When to plant? When to reap and safely gather in, the wheat, corn and rice we all rely on?

On the plus side, the dropping of leaves, seeds, and fruit gives us reasons to make fun things. 

Jams to pop on our toast, fruit to bottle for winter. Nuts must not be given or used in the presence of anyone with a nut allergy. Nuts and seeds to eat whole or crush for oil or to spread on our bread. Adding them to flour gives extra nutrition especially if you add raisins and sultanas. Delicious!

Mushrooms can be collected with care by someone who knows which can be safely eaten. If you pick too many do not worry, freeze them for another day.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Leave not your footprints in the sands of the past.

Stride out with confidence into the now, and the future.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License




The stars in the night sky, 

Were so clear and bright,

Last night,

They were amazing to see.

Do you ever go to your window, 

Once the bedroom light is off, 

And look at the night sky?

You should it is full of millions of stars, 

Some much brighter than others.

They are so far away,

Out of our reach without a Space Ship.

One day humans might be able to get closer, 

Landing on a safe nearer planet.

At the moment when I stargaze, 

I imagine being much closer, 

To finding that people-friendly planet,

To go to in the future.

For now, 

There are books and maps,

In the libraries about stars, 

Planets and the universe.

Plus the magic of the internet, 

Where your parents or teachers, 

Can at the click of a button introduce you 

To the wonderful art of stargazing.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 1, 2023



Walking along the street, I hear music calling, 

Louder, louder, louder. 

My pace starts to change to match the beat, 

Faster, faster, faster. 

One step forward, two back, three forward,

Stamp, stamp, stamp. 

Step to the left then to centre again, 

And to the right and back again, 

Sway, sway, sway. 

Arms up, swing to the left and right, 

Above head, wrists join the action, 

Clap, clap, clap. 

My whole body moves to the wonderful sound, 

And I sing, sing, sing. 

Music has the power to move us as it grows louder, faster, encouraging, stamping, swaying, clapping, singing and quiet listening. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Music is Magic!

With one turn of the switch, you can be twirled around your room or transported out of the house and onto a stage... 

Or magically moved thousands of miles, into countries and cultures you have never seen before.

It will tantalize and titillate your nervous system into action if it strikes the right notes...

Or have you curled up in rejection pleading for silence after a savage attack on your delicate senses?

You can throw notes out in song, plucking others out of silent instruments, when waiting by themselves. 

Music is a magical healer when recorded and played on its own.

So let the music flow on and on and on!

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



A collection of pens has more power than one, 

Yet it only takes one to start us thinking.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License